From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ Special Investigative Report A New Look at the New World Order A recent report on health conditions in Iraq, issued by an International Study Team, states that there has been a 380 percent increase in Iraqi child mortality. The authors emphasise that the sanctions imposed on Iraq are a violation of human rights and warn that the "Iraqi people" are the victims of "another weapon of mass destruction, the effective withdrawal of food and other necessities." The terrible tragedy that is daily unfolding in Iraq is the end product of the fact that Iraq has been selected as a test case for the implementation of what George Bush has repeatedly called the 'New World Order'. The U.S. President and his allies have targeted the Iraqi people for genocide by insisting that the sanctions be maintained until Saddam Hussein is removed from power. As U.S. academic Noam Chomsky observed: "The Gulf War has torn aside the veil covering the post Cold War era. It has revealed a world in which the United States enjoys unchallenged military supremacy and is prepared to exploit this advantage ruthlessly. The new world order (in which the New World gives the orders) has arrived." (Deterring Democracy) Much has been written about this 'New World Order'. None the less the question - 'what does it all mean?' - is still being asked by many people. Is it just some vague concept or a global nightmare? Any investigation of this New World Order must be set against the backdrop of the difficulties currently facing U.S. capitalism. United States competiveness on the world market has declined. Japan, Germany and the soon to be born United Europe give Washington enough reason to formulate new plots to tame political trouble-makers and initiate new strategies of global domination. Like Rome before its fall, the United States ruling elites are seeking to deflect attention away from domestic concerns and onto the world stage. There are obvious signs that not only is the U.S. economy in deep trouble but American society itself is collapsing from within. Economic difficulties together with grave social problems are evidence of deep-seated ills. Drug addiction and escalating crime are signs of a decaying system. Ethnic tensions, bureaucratization, and the theatricalization and trivialization of politics and society are indicators of a profound social malaise. Further, the winds of change that are blowing in this last decade of the 20th century have convinced Western leaders, that if the world capitalist system is to be maintained, they must strike a new global 'arrangement'. Washington knows that for the U.S. to hold onto its hegemony over the world's political, economic and cultural affairs, a 'New World Order' in which the United States is the unquestioned 'global policeman' is essential. Accordingly when President Bush addressed the United Nations General Assembly he termed his New World Order a 'Pax Universalis'. A world under the 'universal peace' of Western liberal capitalist domination, enforced by United States military supremacy. Martin Walker reported in the Guardian Weekly on 10 February, 1991: "In his State of the Union address President Bush urged Americans to prepare for the "next American century" in a New World Order that should be defined by U.S. leadership in the war against Iraq. "We are the nation that can shape the future... We are the only nation on this earth that could assemble the forces of peace. This is the burden of leadership, and the strength that has made America the beacon of freedom in a searching world." Like any good salesman George Bush has hawked his dream of a New World Order with all the imagery of Hollywood. Promising much, but delivering only death and destruction, the White House is putting on a self-confident, victorious front. Noam Chomsky writes: "According to the conventional picture, the US has won the Cold War. Righteousness has triumphed over evil with the victory of democracy, free-market capitalism, justice and human rights. As standard-bearer of the cause, the United States now leads the way to a New World Order of peace, economic development, and cooperation among those who have seen the light - virtually everyone except for some holdouts like Cuba which still complains that the Third World isn't getting its due, and Saddam Hussein, despite our dedicated efforts to improve his behaviour by the carrot rather than the stick; an error of judgement to be rectified by the sword of the righteous avenger." (Deterring Democracy) The validity of this 'marketing imagery' is seriously called into question when we begin to peel away the verbiage of the New World Order and face up to the truth about what it means for the peoples of the earth. If Iraq and the Gulf War were the 'test case' of this 'new order' a thinking person begins to wonder if it should be more correctly termed a 'New Dark Age'. Is Mr Bush's 'pax universalis' the peace of the grave? War Against the 'South' "The US economy may not emerge from recession this year, but long term trends are clearer. Indeed, in the next several years, the predicament of the US industrial and financial sectors holds a message for East Asia: the New World Order in the aftermath of the Gulf War will be far less hospitable than the old one." Jeffrey Garten, 'Asia and the New Economic Order', FEER, 11 April, 1991. (emphasis added) "Much of the world's future may be shaped by this conflict. By defining the US role in the 'New World Order' as one of global police force, President Bush is charting a course for America and the rest of the world. This course is based on US military intervention to control access to oil and other natural resources in the Third World. The Gulf War is the culmination of more than a decade of US energy policies that have consistently undermined efforts to promote efficiency and renewable alternatives to oil. The war is being used to give a powerful new boost to efforts to exploit oil and other natural resources in native lands and ecologically fragile wilderness areas. It is also being used to breathe new life into poisonous corporate energy 'alternatives' like nuclear power. The US is at war to control the flow of oil into the world's smog-producing automobiles and smoke-belching, toxic waste-producing factories. With 6% of the world's population, the US consumes 25% of the world's oil." Third World Resurgence, no.7, Penang, Malaysia, March 1991. According to British press reports, George Bush decided on committing U.S. military forces to the Gulf after discussions with then British PM Margaret Thatcher, while at a conference of the Aspen Institute held in Colorado between August 8 and August 10. It is indeed revealing that what Thatcher had to say in her formal presentation to the conference echoed central themes of the New World Order. Pre-dating by nearly one year George Bush's call for global free market capitalism in his speech in September 1991 at the UN General Assembly, Thatcher stated that Western financial assistance will go only to those Third World countries "which offer the best prospect of stability, which welcome enterprise, and give a fair rate of return, with the right to repatriate a reasonable proportion of the profits. Investment won't come into a country unless it can also get out." Under the subhead, "The Global Agenda," Thatcher put forward the Malthusian position pointing to population as the main environmental danger. Adhering to the racist line of the Anglo-American ruling elite she said: "Our ability to come together to stop or limit damage to the world's environment will be the greatest test of how far we can act as a world community... Science is still feeling its way and some uncertainties remain. But we know that very high population growth is putting enormous pressure on the earth's resources.... The costs of doing nothing, of a policy of wait and see, will be much higher than those of taking preventive action now to stop the damage getting worse." Thatcher's speech showed some basic core positions that are part of the New World Order. Positions however that are not new but have been part of Western liberal free market thinking for a number of years. Back in 1960 James Schlesinger, later to become Nixon's CIA director, wrote an article headlined "The Political Economy of National Security." His thesis: "Despite the modification of the original Malthusian doctrine over the years, the danger remains that the excessive growth of population will wipe out the gains of economic progress.... We must in our strategic policy return to the days before the Industrial Revolution and prepare to fight limited wars." During the years of the Ford administration, in 1974 and 1975, Henry Kissinger prepared plans for the U.S. invasion of the Saudi Arabian oil fields, which according to the then U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia James Akins, are those which were carried out during the Gulf crisis. Akins put it this way in the Virginia Pilot on September 17, 1990: "In January 1975, the neo-conservative publication Commentary carried an article proposing invasion of Saudi Arabia as a solution to the eternal Arab problem and to our own economic problems," Akins wrote. "I suggested that anyone who would take this proposition seriously was a madman, a criminal or a Soviet agent. Henry Kissinger, then U.S. secretary [of state], had another view, and my career in the Foreign Service did not extend much beyond that point." On November 29, 1990, NATO Secretary General Manfred Woerner, speaking at the North Atlantic Assembly said that NATO "assets" should be available for "co-ordination and support" of "crisis management and prevention" efforts similar to what was then taking place in the Gulf. He argued: "A more interdependent world is also a more fragile one, more vulnerable to threats and blackmail.... Along the southern perimeter of Europe, there is to some extent an arc of tension from the Maghreb to the Middle East. Tensions are exacerbated not only by the ambitions of dictators like Saddam Hussein, but also by population growth, resource conflict, migration, underdevelopment, religious fundamentalism, and terrorism. Clearly, threats to NATO's territorial integrity from beyond Europe cannot be down-played as out-of-area threats" (emphasis added). The sharpest picture of the New World Order can perhaps be seen in the ravings of Conrad Black's Sunday Telegraph editorialist, Peregrine Worsthorne. On September 3, 1991, Worsthorne wrote that what the world now needs is "a new form of imperialism directed against the countries of the Third World.... If peace-keeping is imperialism, so be it." He couched his proposal in terms of the necessity to create a new worldwide "anti-barbarian alliance," to control the flow of advanced weaponry to "primitive peoples" in the Third World. And more, Worsthorne insisted that nothing effective can be done about problems such as famine and other human disasters, especially in Africa, "without the advanced countries re-exerting political control - i.e., a return to colonialism." This tirade was published under the headline, "Imperialists for Peace." Technological Determinism By limiting or controlling the flow of technology the Western elites believe they can prolong the capitalist world order. Through a process of "technological determinism" the advanced capitalist states in the North of the globe can use technology to impose their standards on cultural trends and have a direct effect on the organisation, thinking and attitudes of the developing sector, the South. This works in the form of a vicious cycle and affects culture. As the technological gap widens between the haves and have-nots and technology makes advances in the industrial world, Third World states push for their share, if their national policies are acceptable to the ruling Western elites then they are provided with a few 'crumbs'. Inevitably the quest for Western technology means that they lose their cultural identity in the process. Like the prostitutes and junkies on the streets of Western cities these Third World states become 'hooked' and are made dependent on the capitalist sys tem. Technological progress is conditional on the acceptance of Western liberal values. Nations which refuse to go along with this cultural colonialism are targeted for slander, economic blockade, sanctions, and starved of technology. If they persist in their independent policies they will be the victims of military attack. The Italian journalist Maurizio Blondet, in an article in Avennire on February 27, 1991, noted: "The designed victims of this policy are those countries which are successfully building up industries, including military industries, independent from other countries.... Iraq, the Muslim country with the highest rate of literacy, is perhaps the first victim of the American policy." Science, is for the Western ruling elites, not the inheritance of all humanity but a valuable commodity to be bargained-with and sold on the open market for a very high price: the surrender of cultural integrity, national sovereignty and independence. Although the Western camp in general is operating on this platform of 'technological apartheid', the United States in particular is working on the mechanisms of monopolising the issue of technology transfer and striving through its institutions to control such transfers. Washington, as a matter of policy, has resorted to threatening and blackmailing some unyielding Third World states in search of modern technology. There are several U.S. and affiliated agencies engaged in this undeclared warfare to establish American domination if necessary by force, intimidation and "civilised warnings". Access to technology is invariably linked to the recipients ability to pay and as most developing countries do not have access to that kind of cash, the recognized place to get financing is the IMF, World Bank and western investment corporations. Thus, in order to address their pressing technological needs, Third World states are forced to borrow. And this is exactly what Washington wants. When the rule 'the borrower is servant' comes into play the West can dictate its relationship with the debt-seekers. To be eligible for loans and international credits the technology seekers must integrate into the world market. Experience has shown that states which have fallen into this trap in their search for progress are more often than not stuck in a vicious cycle. They inevitably lose their freedom and their independence. To the extent that force is now actively employed as a means of technology transfer policies, it is evident that the U.S. engineered New World Order, banking on its industrial progress and technological advancement, is seeking to make its domination total and permanent. This same order will arrange for the disintegration of those countries which have the potential to stand up and challenge the new order. Countries which possess economic, political and demographic potential to confront the New World Order. New World Empire When one peels away the lies and puts all the major pieces into place it becomes horrifyingly apparent what this New World Order really is. This is an effort to establish a new world empire, based on the control, through military means, of raw materials such as oil, and the reduction of what its partisans call "excessive population growth." It is a plan for an empire founded on genocide. Given these facts is anyone really surprised that the sanctions on Iraq are still in place? The Western ruling elites are carrying out a premeditated policy of genocide. This is the New World Order! As we have noted the elements of this New Order include: a) Technology control; in the name of preventing access to the modern technology which permits military capabilities to be developed. Demanded against Iraq, this, like the "out-of-area" deployments, is also generalised as a policy. b) Raw materials control; here the occupation of the Gulf oil fields and the establishment of permanent U.S. 'rapid deployment' bases in the region is the beginning. c) Food control; developed out of the concentration of world cereal production for export among primarily the U.S.A., Canada, and Australia, and their insistence, through such ventures as GATT, that other countries abandon policies of food security through fostering agricultural development, by submitting to the dictates of the free market. Egypt's daily grain supply is controlled directly by the United States, for example. d) Population reduction; control the flows of technology, raw materials and food, human life then continues at the whim and caprice of those who would arrogate such control to themselves. Dr. Ali Mazrui, award-winning author of "The Africans" and an internationally respected African scholar commented that the New World Order is "a kind of global apartheid." A cursory look at some of the people who are the inspiration behind Mr Bush's New World Order certainly confirms Dr. Mazrui's analysis. Calls for some kind of "New World Order" have come from a range of powerful groups and individuals over the last 70 years. After the Second World War, with the Yalta agreement and the founding of the United Nations organisation commentators and statesmen were agreed that the world was on the verge of a new era. During the 1950s American conservatives like James Burnham of the National Review postulated a "New World Order" along arch conservative lines. However the central theme of a "New World Order" goes back a very long way. Indeed it could well be said that ever since Man has been on the earth certain elitist groups have sought - and actively plotted - some form of global domination. From ancient Babylon and Rome to the British Empire powerful people have dreamt of total global hegemony. An objective study of what some writers have termed "hidden history" unveils the existence of numerous quasi-religious cults, freemasonic networks, secret societies, as well as secular political, philosophical and social movements, all committed to the realisation of global domination by a wealthy, powerful elite, i.e. a New World Order. Space does not permit a thorough and complete exposure of these interlocking groups and their manipulation of politics, economics and culture. Needless to say all these coercive and powerful elitist bodies have a stake in the New World Order. There is one particular 'elitist tradition' that has influenced George Bush personally and shaped much of the thinking of the current Anglo-American elites. In 1919 a British "secret society" was established called "The Round Table". Its purpose was to propagandise for an Anglo-Saxon run world government that would guarantee "world peace". This British organisation grew out of the life-long dream of the racist gold and diamond magnate Cecil Rhodes for a "new world order". Sara Millin, Rhodes' biographer put it more bluntly: "The government of the world was Rhodes' simple desire." Afflicted with a heart condition, Rhodes wrote numbers of wills assigning his fortune to trustees who would carry out his purpose. According to Frank Aydelotte in his book American Rhodes Scholarships: "The seven wills which Cecil Rhodes made between the ages of 24 and 46 [Rhodes died at age 48] constitute a kind of spiritual autobiography.... Best known are the first (the Secret Society Will...), and the last, which established the Rhodes Scholarships...." Rhodes's first will included the following passage directing that his fortune form the endowment of a "secret society" devoted to: "The extension of British rule throughout the world.... The colonisation by British subjects of all lands where the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labour, and enterprise and especially the occupation by British settlers of the entire Continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the Valley of the Euphrates, the islands of Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the islands of the Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay Archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire...." (Cecil Rhodes: The Anatomy of Empire) Around the same time he wrote an "Open Letter" to his collaborator W.T. Steed, editor of the Pall Mall Gazette. The 1891 letter was not published until after his death: "Please remember the key of my idea discussed with you is a Society copied from the Jesuits as to organisation, the practical solution a differential rate (tariff).... That the work, with America in the forefront, is devising tariffs to boycott your manufacturers and that this is the supreme question, for I believe that England with fair play should manufacture for the world and, being a Free Trader, I believe until the world comes to its senses you should declare war - I mean a commercial war - with those who are trying to boycott your manufacturers.... You might finish the war by union with America and universal peace, I mean after 100 years." (Cecil Rhodes: The Anatomy of Empire) Frank Aydelotte continues: "In 1888 Rhodes made his third will... leaving everything to Lord Rothschild [his financier in mining enterprises], with an accompanying letter enclosing 'the written matter discussed between us.' This, one surmises, consisted of the first will and the 'Confession of Faith,' since in a postscript Rhodes says 'in considering questions suggested take Constitution of the Jesuits if obtainable....' " Apparently for strategic reasons Lord Rothschild, was subsequently removed from the forefront of the scheme. In his 1300-page, magnus opus Tragedy and Hope Professor Carol Quigley unmasks a conspiratorial network of powerful elitists who have for many decades been working towards a "New World Order". Professor Quigley noted that Lord Rosebury "replaced his father-in-law, Lord Rothschild, in Rhodes' secret group and was made a trustee...." The "secret society" was organised on the conspiratorial pattern of circles within circles. Professor Quigley informs us that the central part of the "secret society" was established by March, 1891, using Rhodes' money. The organisation was run for Rothschild by Lord Alfred Milner. The Round Table worked behind the scenes at the highest levels of British government, influencing foreign policy and England's involvement and conduct of World War One. According to Professor Quigley: "At the end of the war of 1914, it became clear that the organization of this system [The Round Table Group] had to be greatly extended. Once again the task was entrusted to Lionel Curtis who established, in England and each dominion, a front organization to the existing Round Table Group. This front organization, called the Royal Institute of International Affairs, had as its nucleus in each area the existing submerged Round Table Group. In New York it was known as the Council on Foreign Relations, and was a front for J. P. Morgan and Company in association with the very small American Round Table Group. The American organizers were dominated by the large number of Morgan 'experts,'... who had gone to the Paris Peace Conference and there became close friends with the similar group of English 'experts' which had been recruited by the Milner group. In fact, the original plans for the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Council on Foreign Relations [C.F.R.] were drawn up in Paris...." The Council on Foreign Relations (C.F.R.) was spawned by the Round Table Group and held to its elitist views of world government and control. According to Dr. Quigley the C.F.R. was founded by the most important financial dynasties in America. Its original membership comprised international financiers such as Jacob Schiff, Averell Harriman, Frank Vanderlip, Nelson Aldrich, Bernard Baruch, J.P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller. These wealthy capitalists did not create the C.F.R. because they had nothing better to do with their time and money. They created it as a tool to further their ambitions. The Christian Science Monitor of September 1, 1961, in one of a very few articles published in the main line press on the C.F.R. called it "one of the most influential semi-public organisations in the field of foreign policy." The C.F.R. has come to be known as "The Establishment" or "the invisible government" because of the power it weilds. The Christian Science Monitor states: "Because of the Council's single-minded dedication to studying and deliberating American foreign policy, there is a constant flow of its members from private to public service. Almost half of the Council members have been invited to assume official government positions or to act as consultants at one time or another." As columnist Joseph Kraft, himself a member of the C.F.R., noted of the Council in Harper's of July 1958: "It has been the seat of some basic government decisions, has set the context for many more, and has repeatedly served as a recruiting ground for ranking officials." International banking organisations that are linked to the C.F.R. include Kuhn, Loeb & Co; Lazard Freres (a Rothschild affiliate); Dillon Read; Lehman Bros.; Goldman, Sachs; Chase Manhattan Bank; Morgan Guaranty Bank; Brown Bros. Harriman; First National City Bank; Chemical Bank & Trust, and Manufacturers Hanover Trust Bank. Among the major multinational corporations which have men in the C.F.R. are Standard Oil, IBM, Xerox, Eastman Kodak, Pan American, Firestone, U.S. Steel, General Electric. Among the communications corporations represented in the Council Are NBC, CBS, Time, Life, Look, Newsweek, New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, etc. The C.F.R. consists of some of the most powerful members of the ruling class. For decades C.F.R. literature has openly trumpeted the necessity of working for a "New World Order". One no doubt in which the rich make the rules! It is this plutocratic elitist tradition that has spawned C.F.R. men like Henry Kissinger and George Bush. The Council on Foreign Relations is linked by joint membership and interlocking projects with other oligarchical groupings such as the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, and a number of elitist 'think tanks' and networks. All share a common commitment to a New World Order. Oligarchy The New World Order, as we have seen, constitutes a direct attack on national sovereignty and the right of the ordinary people to rule themselves by themselves. Former U.S. presidential advisor Brzezinski, a Council on Foreign Relations member, pointed out a few years back: "The national state has ceased to be principle creative force: international banks and multi-national corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of national states." The ideal world for these capitalist elitists is one peopled by a uniform, cultureless mass of consumers, useless eaters inhabiting a Global Supermarket. Groups such as the C.F.R., the Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission etc, as we have seen, are made up of the world's richest and most influential people. They are the ruling circles of international monopoly capitalism and are sworn enemies of national culture and national sovereignty. W.J. Kenyon Jones, chairman of Ronson defines the duty of a corporate executive: "He must set aside any nationalistic attitudes and appreciate that in the last resort his loyalty must be to his shareholders of the parent company, and he must protect their interests even if it might appear that it is not perhaps in the national interest of the country in which he is operating. Apparent conflict may occur in such matters as the transfer of funds at a period of national crisis, a transfer of production from one subsidiary to another, or a transfer of export business." International monopoly capitalism finds its perfect political manifestation in the centralised, hierarchical, oligarchical system of the New World Order. Charles Levinson writes: "No matter how complex and large modern enterprises become, the specialized and segmented sectors of operational managers or scientist-employees will never permit them to dictate to the centers where real overall power and control is concentrated. The technology and structure of industry has changed drastically over the past decades in such branches as petroleum, chemicals, engineering, transportation, communications, etc. Banking, finance and credit institutions have been radically transformed as well. Major modifications have occurred in the mode of ownership, especially through domination of the Western economies by multinational companies. Nation states are losing control over their economies to the new global system of the multinationals. Despite these profound and far-reaching changes of structure and technology, real power and control in the enterprises remains essentially with the same families, banks and combines as in the past. If anything, they are stronger and more concentrated than before. Rockefeller, Du Pont, U.S. Steel, Mellon, Fiat, Shell, Unilever and the fifty leading banks of the world continue to rule over their technologically transformed empires. One merely needs to compare the ownership and control of the oil companies, the chemical, rubber, pharmaceutical, electronic and space industries of the world to appreciate that real power and control has not been substantially transferred or distributed in the West. (Vodka-Cola) We need not search to far to see all these elements in George Bush's vision of a New World Order. It is a vision encompassing all the great, albeit retrograde and anti-life, imperatives of the modern world. A convalescing and narrowing of the age old dream of world domination. A fundamentally perverse worldview that posits a small oligarchical elite ruling over a mass of subjects who are deliberately kept in a state of backwardness and degeneracy. A form of imperial fascism in which: "The elite claims for itself the right to plunder this population, whether it be through the arbitrary setting of ground rent, control of a usury-based credit system, the mechanism of state power itself, or through the ruthless extraction of the last ounce of labor from their subjects, be they slaves, serfs, or other inferior beings whose death through exhaustion is viewed as a normal event." (The Hitler Book) A New Dark Age Finalising this introductory overview of the forces behind Mr Bush's New World Order there is yet another important aspect to be touched upon. At the end of the Second World War with the signing of the Yalta agreement between the 'great powers' the world was divided into two spheres of influence, with supposedly opposed poles: Washington and Moscow. With the collapse of the Eastern bloc over the last few years we have witnessed the dawn of an era in which Moscow and Washington are openly working with one accord. The New World Order is now upon us stemming from a common agreement between the so-called 'great powers'. The global elites of East and West have realised a form of 'world imperium' on the foundation of a shared worldview. Liberalism, bourgeois parliamentary 'democracy', free market capitalism, the supremacy of international 'law' (enforced by the U.S. policeman), global dictatorship vested in the UN Security Council, and a materialist consumer culture, are the sacrosanct idols of our modern world. Behind these 'principles' stand the ruling circles of East and West i.e. capitalist exploiters, international financiers, party functionaries, technocrats, bureaucrats and decadent regal relics. The leaders of the modern world vie with each other for varying degrees of influence within the parameters of elitist consensus. Rejecting any notion of perennial wisdom or natural law they view man as an 'economic animal'. Hence rulership is exercised from the ability of this or that oligarchical elite to force its will upon its underlings. Law has no objective basis in their system; all is relative and what counts is the power to avoid responsibility for one's own acts. This oligarchical system is workable, of course, only if the popular masses accept this state of affairs and ostensible superiority of the oligarchical elite, and conceive of themselves as objects, not subjects, of events. It is for this reason that the oligarchical system requires more precise and more ingenious mechanisms of mass control in order to protect itself against unwelcome surprises. The preferred mechanism of control is a web of mythology for the masses to believe in. These myths are carefully cultivated and applied by the elites or by designated cultic agencies. They effectively neutralise any opposition from the masses by keeping them conditioned, 'asleep' to their responsibilities, their lives debauched by an artificial 'culture' of drugs, alcohol, sex, consumer goods and irrationality. The individual is thus neutralised by his belief that he is above all and in need of nothing, when in reality he is just a slave to the system, awash in its 'culture' of pessimism and triviality. Since the dawn of history all mass-orientated forms of political intelligence operations have been mediated under the auspices of either religious or quasi-religious cults. What was Marxism-Leninism with its trinity of idols of Marx, Engels and Lenin? A secular religion complete with priests (communist cadres), church (the party) and holy writ (the collected works of its founders). But, Freemasonry is perhaps the best known oligarchical formations of this type. However, there are many secret society formations through which the ruling circles function. The powerful secret society networks of the French 'Priory of Sion', the Italian P2 lodge, the Order of Malta and related bodies have received some attention in recent years. Here we have seen the New World Order in a nutshell. A world empire established at the expense of the sovereignty of states and the right of self-determination of nations. Run by an international Establishment of elitists, sometimes seemingly opposed but in reality perfectly united and co-ordinated. A world consisting of two primary classes: the masters and the slaves, the rulers and the ruled. A world (dis)order held together by a web of irrational, cultic mythology and consumerism pushed by a network of programmed cultic bodies and secular civic associations. The New World Order is the modern day Rome, a world of confusion and irrationalism openly based on the oligarchical system of power and domination. What should be our response in the face of this global Sinarchy? We must organise a worldwide resistance. The New World Order is digging its own grave, our task is to survive, to resist and to prepare for the inevitable struggle. We must draw our plans of resistance from the battle plans of the enemy. Answer their elitist global organisation with our own international people's resistance. Confront their cultural pessimism and cultic irrationalism with truth and a dynamic New Vision of tomorrow that sees Man as the viceregent of God on earth. We must call for genuine progress that answers human needs and defend national sovereignty in the face of global exploitation and robbery. Above all each one of us must dedicate ourselves to this Great Struggle! We must resist this New Dark Age! ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan site by the archive maintainer. Protection of Individual Rights and Liberties. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)