From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ The Ten Truths of Tyranny by Matt Giwer (c) 1994 <9/30> 1) Any law the electorate sees as being open to being perverted from its original intent will be perverted in a manner that exceeds the manner of perversion seen at the time. 2) Any law that is so difficult to pass it requires the citizens be assured it will not be a stepping stone to worse laws will in fact be a stepping stone to worse laws. 3) Any law that requires the citizens be assured the law does not mean what the citizens fear, means exactly what the citizens fear. 4) Any law passed in a good cause will be interpreted to apply to causes against the wishes of the people. 5) Any law enacted to help any one group will be applied to harm people not in that group. 6) Everything the government says will never happen will happen. 7) What the government says it could not foresee it planned for. 8) When there is a budget shortfall the citizens will be given the choice between higher taxes or the loss of essential government services. 9) Should the citizens mount a successful effort to stop a piece of legislation the same legislation will be passed under a different name. 10) All deprivations of freedom and choice will be increased rather than reversed. # # # A government is a tyranny when it sets itself above the will and judgement of the people and refuses to comply with the wishes of the people. A government is a tyranny when it lies to the people to get what it wants. A government is a tyranny when the traditional rights of the people are treated as obstacles to the objectives of government. A government is a tyranny when it creates animosities among the people. A government is a tyranny when it blames the people for not stopping it from acting against the wishes of the people. * * * * * Further distribution is encouraged by the author. 1425 San Mateo Dr., Dunedin, Fl. 34698, 813-733-5479 -- Robert Tiptrie [Pithy quote here] ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan archives by the archive maintainer. All files are ZIP archives for fast download. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)