A Survivor's Guide To Armageddon "Your ideas on God, the Universe, and the Meaning of Life" "Will be Altered Irreparably" Copyright Robert Westbrook 1993 Dedications To my son Sean, the light of my life, whose keen intellect and childlike wisdom opened my heart and my eyes. To Terri Holt, an ancient sage, whose insights into the universe directed me down roads I might not have traveled. To Kelly Pillow, for putting up with me. To Michael Lindeman, for his technical support. Once you have eliminated the obvious That which remains, no matter how improbable, Must Be True. Sherlock Holmes FORWARD It is appropriate and fitting I begin this work with a quotation by a fictional detective. What you about to read is, by all human standards, fantastic and even bizarre. Yet, for those of us who worship at the altar of logic, with the clear minds that God gave us, the conclusions drawn herein are unavoidable and frightening. The religions of the world exist with a foundation built principally on faith. Our priests, ministers and rabbi's demand faith, for without it, the points upon which their establishments stand, would crumble. Religion abides in a domain of the esoteric and the untouchable. It is common with Christian religions to point to the Bible to supply the 'proofs' and validations needed to confirm the correctness of the unseen and unprovable. As a matter of logic, this is a flimsy and inadequate practice for if the Bible is not valid, that which flows from it is equally false. The Bible is purported to be the word of God. Did God write it? Is there a witness to the fact? Can we infer by some substantial piece of evidence that the entity known as God could have written it? To each of these questions, the answer is no. We do know the Bible was written by men. Analysis of the literary style indicates it was written by more than one man. As the work encompasses time periods greater than the life expectancy of any single person, we may infer it was produced by many men as a continuing effort. Moses is generally regarded as the first Biblical author. There are those who would argue that while God didn't sit down and write the document Himself, he inspired those who did. It then falls to the proponent to prove the person purported to be God, is. There is no smoking gun to examine. Be this as it may, we have an abundance to literature in the mythohistorical accounts of those who interacted with God and from many cultures over various periods of time. Is it possible that any one culture could have slanted or warped their interactive accounts to coincide with their belief systems? In fact, all have done this. Yet, when we a strip away the matters of faith and focus solely on the observation of factual material, we see a picture vastly different from the one pictured by our traditional religions. A factual observation is one wherein the observer says, "I did this", "He did that", "She said this" and so on. An observer to the actual occurrence is qualified to report his observations. His conclusions as to what they mean are a totally different matter. We have accepted the religious interpretations of the observers and added to them our own. Yet, we can never, and will never, come to any consensus on just exactly what those various interpretations mean. The existence of so many different branches of Christianity, most of whom have different representations of meaning, is proof positive humanity will never come to any agreement on these issues. Instead, the factual material provides us with an abundance of data on God, His mind, His deeds, and His intents. To analyze God, we must first have a working definition. All would agree God is all powerful. He is all knowing and there is no limitation to His power or his knowledge. If you can concur on this definition, I can tell you unequivocally that the God of Abraham was not, nor could he have been, a God. He was a fraud perpetrating an elaborate and deliberate con upon the ancient Hebrews. Further, His interactions were not limited to just the Middle East. He has at various times interacted with the Greeks, the Norse, and American cultures as well. He behaves in a fixed and predictable manner. This behavior allows us the construct a psychological profile of the purported deity. The body of evidence indicates our would be god is plagued by all the emotional short comings possessed by mankind in general. What he does possess is a superior technology. For those you who would question my beliefs, I will say this of myself. I consider myself to be a religious person, yet my quest for the truth is greater than any single belief I possess. I feel that God and The Truth are synonymous. As there can only be one God, there can only be one truth related Him. At the very least, I believe in a power greater and better than myself. At one time, my religious convictions were such I explored a vocation as a Catholic priest even though I did not pursue the life. I am familiar with the precepts of a great many religions. Most say the same thing in different ways. I do not lack faith, yet I refuse to be blinded by it. I am, above all other things, a seeker of Truth and by happenstance, an explorer into the unknown. I am by trade, a private investigator. The story I am going to tell will be shown to you as I discovered it. You will be able to connect the dots as I did, in the manner I did it. Doing this, you will most likely draw the same conclusion I did. These conclusions are: Earth is a colony planted here by extraterrestrials with whom we are genetically related. The existence if this colony is for their benefit, not ours. We have been the objects of deliberate misrepresentations designed to keep us ignorant and servile to the schemes designed for us. These deceptions were perpetrated to protect the interests of the masters and to forestall our abilities to focus upon them. Religion has been one of the tools within the framework of the plan. We have been genetically engineered for a purpose and that plan is not in our best interests. Finally, they are coming back (in force) with the goal of annihilating most of the planetary population. I am not going to itemize or comment on every event in the Bible. Aside from being tedious and boring, it is unnecessary and irrelevant. The reader is encouraged to seek his own proofs beyond mine. I love a good argument and possess an open mind to anyone who wishes to approach me. I can be contacted through Compuserve Account Number 71705,262. I am reminded of a poster that was popular during the 60's. It contained all the instructions on what to do during a nuclear attack, stay away from windows, seek cover under a desk etc. The final command was to put your head between your legs and kiss your tail good bye. This directive seems germane to this work. Chapter One "In Search Of God" I had, for many years, wanted to explore the contents of the Bible. While, I had read it a couple of times, I was just too lazy to wade through all the begats looking for my areas of interest. It wasn't until personal computers became popular and I obtained a data version of the book I pursued my interest. At first, I was interested in the supernatural occurrences documented in the Bible. Computers being what they are, I had to structure my query to looking up specific words or groups of words. My first effort was on Angel, Angels, and Sons of God. I discovered Biblical inadequacies in the very first chapters of Genesis. King James: And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, King James: That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. It's impossible for me not to apply a twentieth century mind to the material at hand. It is commonly believed the 'sons of god' refers to his angels. We can remove the belief from the equation for in a later passage we learn who they are. King James: Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them. Satan, an angel, comes with is peers before god. Therefore, angels are able to go to where god is. Since we can not, we infer they possess abilities we do not. Yet, there is an amazing point of commonality between us and the angels. We have the same DNA. King James: And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. King James: There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. God is not made of flesh but his angels are. I was fascinated in how the angels would wish to breed with us and to what purpose. Were they taking advantage of the local girls for no purpose other than a good time? Biblical evidence indicates there is usually an obvious motive to the actions of god and angels. If they had fun in the bargain, it was a fringe benefit. There are some hard and fast facts of life that do not change from day to day. Dogs can not mate with humans, nor can we mate with cows. The genetic structure of different species is incompatible. Angels are made of flesh, they are a biological organism. DNA is the building block of our lifeform and it determines the parameters by which we propagate our offspring. Several thousand years ago, we have another distinctive lifeform who mated with us and produced children from the effort. It takes no leap of imagination to conclude the obvious. We and the angels are from the same genetic soup. Our DNA is well within acceptable boundaries for procreation. Inverse logic dictates another amazing deduction - we ARE angels. King James: Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. This fact alone permitted me to verify one of the basic religious precepts. Principally, that we are separated from God. While angels can migrate back and forth from Earth to God's domicile, we can not. Another religious inference is that we are unsuited to appear before God, are bad people and conversely that angels are good people. Implied in this arrangement is the idea we are being punished. I wondered if there were any other references in my computerized bible which would give weight to the idea Earth is a penal colony. Unfortunately, the script didn't allow for scanning out words like 'county jail' or 'penitentiary' so I had to wait. I pondered the fate of the children of those alliances. God was out of town for some extended time. Upon returning he saw the product of all the fornicating and became angry and sorry he had made the flesh. His solution to his screw up was to send Noah's flood and destroy life. Here in the very beginning of the Bible, god fails his first test of godhood. He is not all knowing or he would have known or foreseen his employees would be inclined to party. God admits he made a mistake and sought to correct that error. This scenario does not put God in a favorable light. This is confirmed over and again during the course of the Bible. The Hebrew God suffers some rather serious limitations to his abilities. As the bible was written by man, I remembered that God's reasoning was imparted to man, specifically Noah. God wanted to save Noah from the flood and had to give him some story to justify his actions and, at the same time, spur Noah to start building a boat. We are never told what happened to the children of the sons of god even thought they do reappear in Caanan some time later. It this point in my research (salivating heavily) I speculated as to the extent of biological knowledge possessed by our angels. Our welfare rolls are prima facia evidence you don't have to be a genius to produce a child. Yet, what was their purpose in doing so? Since an effort was made to save Noah, it is reasonable to postulate a desire to save the angelic children. There can be no doubt the means to save them was available. I focused upon Noah's ark. It struck me the technology provided to Noah was ahead of its time. My mind stuck on the phrase, "Out of Time Technology". As I continued my exploration, I would continually return to this thought. Noah's ark is but the first of many instances of out of time technology. Tools produce a dependency. A civilization who relies upon their machines must also accept the limitations present in their use. You can't use a 747 as a boat nor a car as a spacecraft. Each device produces a restriction and establishes boundaries that can not be overstepped. If God's angels were using machines, I felt these drawbacks would eventually surface in the literature. Noah's ark was a considerable achievement. It was to be 300 cubits in length by 50 cubits in width and 30 cubits in height. A cubit was calculated as the distance between the elbow of a man and the tip of his middle finger. This was not a terrific system of measurement as it did not allow for differences in size between dissimilar persons. It is generally accepted the ark was 450 feet in length, 75 feet in width and 45 feet high. This is a hell of an engineering feat. Even more so when you consider that Noah had no training as an engineer. In contrast, the Mayflower sailed to the New World in 1620 A.D. and measured a paltry 90 feet by 26 feet and post dated the ark by several thousand years. It is, therefore, a fact that god and his angels possessed engineering skills sufficient to construct advanced devices. Further, this knowledge was correct and could be imparted to an technologically unsophisticated individual like Noah. Moses is generally regarded as the author of genesis. Even so, the book contains three distinct literary strands (styles) indicating separate contributors. To this point I have deduced the following. 1. God does not fit the minimum criteria expected of the Almighty. 2. He demonstrates human emotional characteristics, anger, and regret. 3. His subordinates, angels are human. 4. God and/or his angels possess knowledge superior to that of the time period we find Noah. 5. God is not corporeal. 6. Angels possess the same DNA as humans and are biologically related. 7. God and/or his angels have little regard for human life and are willing to exterminate masses if it suits their purpose. 8. The offspring of angels arrive larger than the norm for that time period. There is no witness account available for how Noah's flood was created. We do have the ability to arrive at some curious speculations. There is only so much water on this planet. What we have will never grow any larger. The story of the flood is universal and is imbedded in the historical records of many different civilizations. The flood was global in nature so the cause for it must have been central and large enough to affect the entire planet. The deluge was caused by torrential rains. To create rain, water must be evaporated and placed into the atmosphere. The flood was made to order. God knew exactly when it would begin. There are two possibilities. First, he knew of an impending geological catastrophe or he created the conditions necessary to raise the water levels on a global scale. I consider it unlikely any single geologic phenomena could generate enough heat to vaporize the volumes of water needed to create this flood. However, if there was such a cause, it means that God also lies. God gave Noah a story, a reason, for building the ark. He could just as easily have told him a great disaster was coming and it was time to get outta Dodge. Instead he concocted a tale that mankind was going to be destroyed for its sins even though God admits He was the creator of the error. Assuming God tells the truth, the only other factor available is the flood was artificially created. Does God possess a heat source sufficient to melt the polar ice caps, or does he possess a knowledge of geology sufficient to use geothermal heat of an isolated region to expose the ice caps to heat? To both queries, the answer is yes. This will become self evident. The condition of the planet during Noah's time is worth mentioning. Five thousand years before the Deluge there was an ice age which covered substantial portions of the northern hemisphere down through Europe. Ice ages are caused by a combination of events that produce global cooling over an extended period of time. In Noah's life time, this situation had reversed itself and the planet was slowly warming. There is no geologic evidence of any movement which would have produced a global flood in a very short period of time. It's interesting to note that 91% of the world's glacial ice is locked up in Antarctica. Were it to melt, the world's water levels would increase by only 200 feet. The speculation as to cause is academic. It's sufficient that God had advance knowledge of the Flood. How he pulled it off is irrelevant. Chapter Two "Angelic Births" Angels have shown an exceptional knowledge of human biology. Angels frequently play stork delivering the news of impending births to women who can not have children. The best example is found in the story of Abraham and Sarah. Sarah was long in the tooth and had never been able to provide Abraham with a child. To solve the problem of producing an heir, it was decided that Abraham would mate with Sarah's servant, Hagar. This was a practical and pragmatic solution to the problem of Sarah's barrenness but also generated some resentment towards Hagar. Rather than suffer continued mistreatment at Sarah's hands, Hagar ran away until angelic intervention persuaded her to return. King James: And he said, Hagar, Sarai's maid, whence camest thou? and whither wilt thou go? And she said, I flee from the face of my mistress Sarai. King James: And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Return to thy mistress, and submit thyself under her hands. King James: And the angel of the Lord said unto her, I will multiply thy seed exceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude. King James: And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction. King James: And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction. Hagar returned home and did, in fact, bear a son, Ishmael. Several interesting points surfaced here. 1. Hagar's departure was screwing up an angelic plan and required intervention. 2. Hagar agreed to go along with the program. 3. The angel did accurately predict the sex of the child and his future as the father of the Arabs. The story does not end here. Sarah was later informed that, as barren as a rock, she would bear a child. The old girl was incredulous and disbelieving as she eavesdropped on a conversation between her husband and three angels. Sarah, above all others, knew she was well past child bearing years. At ninety years of age she was past menopause and could not produce babies when she was of child bearing age. Given these elements, we are left with only one suitable explanation for the fact Sarah did actually have a child. Today we call it en vitro fertilization. A fertilized egg was placed into Sarah's womb. Twentieth century medical knowledge is such that we can perform this 'miracle' today. There are two possibilities regarding the impregnation. Either Abraham, by some unknown means, contributed his sperm to the effort, or the child was produced with totally foreign contributors. The later is the most likely. Given that angels have already demonstrated their ability to breed with us, it's reasonable to propose he was the product of angelic dna with Sarah acting as a host mother. A third alternative is to picture unknown contemporary contributors having produced the seeds for Isaac's birth. As with Ishmael, God accurately predicted the birth, sex and future of the child. King James: And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be. King James: And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her. King James: Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, Shall a child be born unto him that is an hundred years old? and shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear? King James: And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him. King James: And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation. King James: But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year. King James: And he left off talking with him, and God went up from Abraham. Again, the following facts unfold. 1. As with Ishmael, Isaac's birth and sex were accurately predicted. 2. The future of both boys was known prior to their birth. 3. As with Noah's ark, out of time technology surfaces. We did not develop the skills for en vitro fertilization until the 1980's. Abraham is thought to have lived near the beginning of 2,000 B.C. Left to our own devices, it took us 3,980 years to evolve the knowledge necessary to manipulate our reproductive biology. 4. God possesses technology at least 4000 years ahead of our current state of knowledge. 5. God and his angels can predict the future. It follows that human history and evolution are known quantities. It's of later importance to note the ability to tell whether or not a woman is pregnant and to know the sex of the child even though there is no evidence of angelic involvement in the conception. The angel knew Hagar's condition, the sex and future of the child. Furthermore, the angel achieved this knowledge without apparently having laid a finger on the woman. The implications for 'the future' are more serious. We've discovered that God and company can predict a person's future far into future generations. Isaac and Ishmael are both prime examples of single births producing geopolitical repercussions covering thousands of years. It's obvious the history of the Jews had been prefabricated in as much as Sarah would never have had Isaac had she not been provided with the genetic goodies to produce the child. Isaac would never have been the father of the Jews. The question arise, "Are we in control of our own destinies and are the probabilities for our future predetermined by the historical manipulations of God and the angels?" Clearly, the history of the western world would have been substantially altered were it not for the births of Isaac and Ishmael. Had Hagar been allowed to separate herself from the wealth and importance of Abraham, would Ishmael have amounted to anything? Apparently, one angel thought not and interceded to get her to return to Abraham. The most pronounced angelic birth was that of Jesus of Nazareth. We all know the story of how Mary was visited by an angel and gave birth to a child without benefit of intercourse. At the same time, his cousin John the Baptist was born of Elizabeth. Jesus, was born with exceptional abilities while John was conceived of more common material. As with Sarah, Elizabeth was past child rearing years. Mary, on the other hand was young. The evidence suggests the ability to manipulate our reality viz a viz mental power is something that can be supplied with the correct genes. It also implies that we, as humans, are capable of near godlike powers but are denied access to them. From which gene pool did Jesus surface? Throughout the entire Old and New Testaments there are only three players, God, angels, and humanity. Since God is not of the flesh, the process of elimination demands Jesus spawned from angelic genes. Consider that mankind has access to only ten percent usage of his brain. Nature does not provide us with organs which function to such a low degree of efficiency. Could we live if our livers, kidneys or hearts worked as poorly as our brains, no. Yet, the vast majority of our brain power is dedicated to what we call the sub-conscious and is not immediately available to conscious command. It is logical to suppose Jesus had greater use of his brain obvious results. Conversely, humanity does not possess this asset and lacks these abilities. Logic demands that if Jesus were human, and had a greater command of reality, we too could have the same facilities. The same reasoning would propose we do not have access to our full mental functions and have been denied these abilities by the power responsible for our genetic structure. The evidence of genetic steering can be dated to Genesis more than five thousand years ago. The Biblical evidence is certain. 1. Angels perpetrated genetic engineering upon selected individuals of the Semitic race. 2. The people selected had great and lasting effects on their civilizations and, like ripples in a pond, spanned thousands of years. 3. The contrivances upon Semites stretched over thousands of years indicating a plan and not a chance happenstance. 4. The births of Ishmael and Isaac at approximately, 2900 B.C. and the births of Christ and John at 0 B.C. provide an operational window in time showing the span of intervention. As we can not prove the continued existence of the spawn of angelic children from intercourse with Noah's girls, it would be inappropriate to factor the known time back to that date. The excessive periods of time involved lead to further speculations. What is the life span of an angel? We don't know and there is no direct evidence. Nevertheless, we see a pattern of behavior that is more than similar, it is precisely identical and consistent with prior historical accounts of angelic actions. I can narrow the possibilities down. 1. Angels are extremely long lived. 2. Angels are not long lived but due to the existence of an organized effort are able to act consistently over enormous periods of time. 3. Angels are long lived and organized. We will see a continuity of thought over the eons. This constancy is particularly interesting when applied to Satan. It matters not that angels are long lived or simply well organized, the end product is the same. The applicable question is, "Are they still here and are they still manipulating mankind?" Chapter Three "The Limitations Of Godhood" The most pronounced and continual examples of technology appear in the story of Exodus. Moses, is tending herds when he is called to the mountain for an interview with the almighty. God is trying to convince Moses to trot back to Egypt to get Pharaoh to release the Jews. Moses had his tail kicked pretty hard and is reluctant to return for another round. God endures in his quest to convince Moses. God is not above doing simple magic tricks, now you see it, now you don't. As a demonstration of his divine ability he gives Moses the appearance of leprosy and then cures him. King James: And the Lord said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow. King James: And he said, Put thine hand into thy bosom again. And he put his hand into his bosom again; and plucked it out of his bosom, and, behold, it was turned again as his other flesh. Moses was impressed with the trick but not particularly moved to haul it back to Egypt. So far, in the story of Moses on the mount, we have three miracles. A burning bush, a voice emanating from that bush and a hand that rotates between leprous and non leprous. Each and every one of these acts can be replicated today with our current level of technology. Moses, on the other hand, would have been impressed. God's greatest limitations are apparent in the story of Exodus. He wants to extricate the Jews from the region and to relocate them to another. To do this, he must convince Pharaoh to let his people go. Why? This is God Almighty we're talking about. The creator of the universe. The greatest power in all creation. Why must he persuade Pharaoh to voluntarily let the Jews leave? Why not put the fear of God into him? After the Jews leave Egypt we find a God who is short tempered and inclined to temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way. Why not dropkick Pharaoh around the block a couple of times? The answer is obvious, he can't. God, however, does promise to support Moses and to make resources available to him. He says, King James: And the Lord said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a God to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet. This verse sets up a connection to Jesus hundreds of years later. A psychological link between the actions of God and an important factor in identifying god/angel interference. God deemed it necessary that Moses have a spokesman, a prophet. Moses himself admitted he was not a terrific public speaker. Jesus, likewise was supplied such a voice in the form of John the Baptist. We see the same scenario separated by an expanse of time. Attention should be given to the relativistic parallel drawn between Moses appearing as a god. God recognizes the ability to perform miracles would result in an appearance of being godlike. As such, we can infer God would also recognize the difference between himself and Moses. It clearly shows a knowledge of the psychology of the people who are being made to believe in the power of a god. It further presupposes its okay to trick the enemy by employing miracles and plagues if it will achieve your purpose. Moses agrees to go to Egypt, he approaches Pharaoh who tells him to get lost. God then begins a program of harassment designed to get Pharaoh to agree. The Plagues. 1. During an audience with Pharaoh, Aaron throws his rod to the ground and it turns into a snake. Pharaoh's priests do the same and Aaron's rod gobbles up their rods. This is a really neat trick but one which is not unique in as much as the priests could perform the same feat. I give Moses two points for showmanship. We must also keep in mind Moses had been a prince of Egypt and had been trained to be Pharaoh. He would undoubtedly have had knowledge privileged to the priests. 2. Moses pollutes the Nile killing all the fish. How hard can it be to pollute a water supply? American industry does it everyday. 3. Frogs plague the land. The frogs live in the marshes of the Nile. With their water supply polluted, they move inland looking for potable water. However, they have already been poisoned by the amounts consumed from the Nile and die within a week. 4. Lice As with the frogs, they moved out of the marshes and onto any living creature from which they could get a drink. 5. Flies Swarms of flies next plague the land. This is one of your basic multipurpose plagues. 6. Cattle. Egyptian cattle are killed. Later in Exodus we find God has the ability to human destroy life from the air. It's consistent with his technology and reasonable to assume he can destroy animal life in a similar fashion. 7. Boils A plague of boils are visited upon the Egyptians. The scripture tells us it arrives in the 'dust of Egypt'. My translation is, a skin irritant was dumped on the Egyptian populace. 8. Fiery Hail This plague qualifies as tops in showmanship. Fiery rain falls from the sky. As it hits the ground, the fire spreads with the melting liquid. If we were to provide a twentieth century equivalent, we would dump frozen balls of alcohol from a helicopter and ignite them as they left the craft. 9. Locusts (Grasshoppers) A swarm locusts hits the locals. I'll give God three points for this one. Locusts have to be in season and transporting them to the area you wish to plague would be quite a trick. It implies a knowledge of biology we do not possess today. The understanding of human reproduction is now expanded to a comprehension of insect life as well. 10. Three days of darkness. If we can accept that God has the ability to fly, and even expand that expertise to orbital flight, we could envision an umbrella deployed in a geosynchronous orbit between the sun and its underlying geography. Blotting out the sun would be a small task. It is noteworthy to draw attention to another 'miracle' involving the sun. In Fatima, Portugal, three children claimed to have had on going visits from the Virgin Mary. The local government, the Catholic Church and most of the village demanded a miracle as proof of the visitation. The Virgin scheduled the 'supernatural' event for a particular time on a particular day. The day had been rainy and the clothing of the throngs of people awaiting the miracle was wet. Hundreds of people looked to the sky and thought they saw the Sun falling from the sky. After the duration of the event, they noticed their clothes were dry. It should not have to be said the Sun did not leave it's position in space and rush towards the Earth. Conversely, the Earth did not leave it's orbit and fall towards the Sun. These events would have created conditions observable by the astronomers of the time. What appeared to happen did not. Instead, I propose a flying craft,in line of sight with the sun, releasing a massive amount of energy directed at the location of those expecting a miracle. Sun games have shown up more than once and we don't need to rely on speculation for the proofs. The Roman author Julius Obsequens wrote of a ufo occurrence in 90 B.C. He describes a globe of fire falling from the sky. It came to earth then rose again, the disk blotting out the sun with the brilliance of its fire. 11. Death of the First Born This is the greatest and most elaborate of all the plagues of Egypt. It took time to prepare and the Jews had to mark their dwellings so the angel of death would not knock on their doors. Were I to have engineered this feat, I would have laid out a grid and flown a pattern over the city, carefully observing each house. God had told the Jews to mark their houses in lamb's blood so he would know which homes to 'pass over'. In each abode where the blood was not on the expected place, the first born male of the house was killed. Today, Jew's use the word passover to indicate the night that god 'by passed' their homes. Instead, if taken literally, it means he flew over their houses. Later, we will find direct evidence that God possesses a flying craft. The question becomes, "Is there some distinct biological difference between a first born and a second born?" In truth, we do not know. However, we do know there are distinct psychological differences between first and second born siblings. It is quite conceivable these differences have a genetic or biological basis. This idea has added weight when we take into account the fact that first born cattle died as well. In any case, it is an ability we do not possess. King James: For the Lord will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the Lord will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you. King James: And it came to pass, that at midnight the Lord smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sat on his throne unto the firstborn of the captive that was in the dungeon; and all the firstborn of cattle. Pharaoh relents and lets the Jews go. My original question is still valid and still unanswered. Why didn't God just enforce his will directly? The religious would argue Pharaoh's stubbornness provided an opportunity to impress the Jewish population with God's power. This is correct, yet the Jews would have been impressed with a radical display of power as well. Since god has already demonstrated an understanding of the psychology of the players, he would also know that as a leader of a great nation, Pharaoh would not be a person inclined to pucker up. Instead he would do what he was raised to do - Rule. God, therefore, would have anticipated resistance. Pharaoh is perhaps the most moral character in the drama. He had to do little more than kill Moses and Aaron to put an end to the play. Certainly, he had ordered the executions of people before and would have found no problem in doing it again. Moses, however, had been raised as a brother and he felt strongly disinclined to kill someone he had loved even though it would have spared his country considerable misery. God's limitations again surface. He was not able to discern the difference between a household containing Jews and Egyptians even though the slaves lived in Goshen and the Egyptians lived up town. His plans for the slaughter of the first born were meticulous. He wanted to cover every square inch of the city and he did. We have no witnesses as to how he achieved the massacre but we do know it was to done from the air beginning at midnight. We do not know how many flying craft were involved, but it took time to accomplish and was not done instantaneously. We can deduce this fact by god's description of what he planned to do. First look at the door and see if it was properly marked, then perform or not perform the act. The linear nature of the description means this had to be done at each and every residence including the stables and areas where animals were kept. Another obvious limitation was god's inability to communicate with Moses while he was in the city. Repeatedly, Moses had to leave the confines of the city in order to commune with god. We are not told why, but one would expect God could convey his wishes wherever you were. Not so in this instance. As we move on, we'll find God is shy and prefers to speak to one or two people but not to address the masses unless it is with his technology. Chapter Four "It Ain't Easy Being God" Getting Pharaoh to cut loose with his cheap labor was just the beginning of God's headaches. The Bible states that six hundred thousand men left Egypt. King James: And the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand on foot that were men, beside children. King James: And a mixed multitude went up also with them; and flocks, and herds, even very much cattle. Making an allowance for women and children, the total number of people would easily have been 1.2 million. The logistics of such a move are incredible. The Jews were allowed to spoil Egypt taking jewels and other valuables. Even so, you can't eat gold. They had their cattle, sheep, goats, clothing, some furnishings and had to allow for water. Further, the entire exodus was done on foot. At best, this mass of people would be able to make only a few miles a day. God led them himself. He appeared before the crowd as a cloud. This cloud loomed as a pillar of fire in the night time and had a misty in appearance in daylight. It would seem this particular God was not inclined to reverse the laws of physics. As this cloud was airborne, we modern types know that to repulse gravity, you must expend energy. The consumption of energy produces heat. A mechanism producing this heat would need a way to dissipate it from the craft, otherwise, the occupants of the craft would get uncomfortable very quickly. Essentially, our airborne vehicle would need a tailpipe. Heat emanations leave an infrared signature. A sufficient quantity of heat would be visible to the eye. In broad daylight, the redness of the exhaust could be washed out by the white light from the sun giving a cloudy misty appearance. King James: And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night: King James: He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people. We can determine from the time periods involved for travel that our hovering craft carried an energy source and engine unlike anything we have today. It did not have to refuel and was capable of maintaining sustained flight for long periods of time. The vehicle did not function using any aerodynamic principle we know, out of time technology. God gets caught with his pants down. He has his troops at the edge of the Red Sea. Pharaoh, blind with grief and anger over the death of his son, advances from the rear. The Jews are trapped with their backs to the sea. King James: And the angel of God, which went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went from before their face, and stood behind them: King James: And it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel; and it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it gave light by night to these: so that the one came not near the other all the night. Here the pillar of fire is at the head of the column but when God sees Egyptian troops he relocates to the rear and uses the fire to block Pharaoh's advance. Had he known of the advance beforehand he would already have been assumed a defensive posture. God is buying time. Charlton Heston now stands upon the rock and the waters of the Red Sea parts into two walls leaving dry ground, right? Wrong! It took all night for the sea to part with the help of a wind. King James: And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided. An experiment was conducted at the Red Sea to see if a wind was sufficient to part the sea and expose dry land. We did it, so God's feat is not in the realm of miracle material. Blatantly obvious is the time factor here. It was not an instant parting of the sea but a slow methodical and mechanical process and one that involved the simplest of mechanical devices, a switch. Pharaoh is held at bay by the pillar of fire. After the Jews cross to the other side, the Egyptian troops charge after them. Well within the river bed, God turns off the power holding back the waters and the troops are drowned. A switch. The story of exodus has some rather amazing implications. Foremost of these is the fact God is subject to the restrictions of linear time. One would think the almighty capable of a mastery over time and use it to his advantage. He does not and is as limited in this respect as we poor humans are. There are 180 references to the cloudy pillar but only six references to the pillar of fire. As would be expected, most of God's interactions were during the daylight (working) hours. Crossing the Red Sea brought some radical changes in God's behavior. While on the Egyptian side he was tolerant and solicitous. Once safe from Pharaoh's wrath he turns demanding and angry. He is short tempered and will brook no dissent from the troops. The price of disobedience is death. God's stated purpose is clear. He wishes the Jews to serve him. He defines the end result of their servitude as the military conquest of the region. In the matter of a few weeks, God has his hand on a ready made army of 600,000 men and in one masterful stroke has relocated them out of Egypt. What he needs, as does any military commander, is the obedience of his troops. The Jews, however, are chronic complainers. God almighty gets tired of hearing their gripes. The logistics of moving over one million people are astronomical. Food and water are the prime considerations and God does have some trouble delivering on the goods but manages to pull it off. When rations are low he delivers bread which he drops from the sky. King James: Then said the Lord unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or no. King James: And it shall come to pass, that on the sixth day they shall prepare that which they bring in; and it shall be twice as much as they gather daily. Not long afterwards, the troops are complaining about the lack of fresh meat. "God, We Deliver", serves up quail sufficient to feed a million people. King James: And Moses said, This shall be, when the Lord shall give you in the evening flesh to eat, and in the morning bread to the full; for that the Lord heareth your murmurings which ye murmur against him: and what are we? your murmurings are not against us, but against the Lord. King James: And Moses spake unto Aaron, Say unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, Come near before the Lord: for he hath heard your murmurings. King James: And it came to pass, that at even the quails came up, and covered the camp: and in the morning the dew lay round about the host. The arrival of food from the skies is obvious as we already know God has a flying Chevy. The manufacture of bread is not particularly impressive. Yet, the delivery of enough live quail to feed over a million people is mind boggling. It is an enormous, even Biblical, feat. Questions arise. In Egypt, God delivered a swarm of locusts. A creature not easily harvested. Here he delivers quail. I would be surprised if the ecology of the desert is sufficient to support that magnitude of quail. Further, gathering them in would be an singularly massive task. Again we are left to examine the possibilities. 1. The quail were grown specifically for the purpose. 2. God's engineering of the exodus, while not perfect, was thought out well enough and food would have been a concern. 3. The quail were gathered from a wide region and dumped. 4. God used magic. From my religious upbringing, I can hear a voice akin to Jerry Falwell's telling me to remember that Christ fed the multitude with a few fish and a few loaves of bread. No one ever mentions what size the portions were although they clearly ended up with more than they started with. King James: And they say unto him, We have here but five loaves, and two fishes. King James: He said, Bring them hither to me. King James: And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude. King James: And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full. King James: And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children. The modus operandi of God and Jesus are substantially different. God does a mass dumping of the goodies from an unknown source. With Jesus, we know he absolutely did not have stores sufficient to feed 5,000 people. Further, Jesus was not handling the distribution of the food, his apostles were. God prefers to perform his miracles in the genre of a slight of hand artist while Jesus does his straight up and in your face. God has shown an excessive dependency on technology while Jesus uses none. A great many of God's miracles are explainable with our current technology, none of Jesus' miracles can be so explained. These facts support a possibility that Jesus did not spawn from Conman but from another more subtle and harder to identify source. Christianity supports several misconceptions about Jesus. I wouldn't go so far as to characterize them as lies as much as omissions. The Christian churches say that from age twelve until age thirty there is little known about Jesus. This is untrue. In India, Jesus is revered as an Avatar. A man highly blessed by God who can perform miracles. Do the Hindus know Jesus from missionaries? No. They knew him first hand because he and his cousin, John the Baptist, were there for an extended period of time. Jesus, therefore, had been a miracle worker all his life. He was different from his conception until his death. Jesus did with his mind what we attempt to do with our technology. I feel it important to draw attention to a time line here. From the life of Abraham until the life of Jesus, we have an interval of roughly three thousand years. It is a good bet to propose a culture would continue to advance their general technology and knowledge of human biology over this span of time. As a matter of logic, there is no evidence to infer God's manna or quail were the product of miracles. In fact, the weight of the existing evidence is so strong in favor of technology, there can be some doubt as to God's ability to make miracles. Jesus adds a new dimension to the equation. Sure, we can ascribe his abilities as a gift from God. Christians prefer to believe he was God. Yet, Jesus himself draws a very important distinction. Where the son's of God were angels, he characterizes himself as the SON OF MAN. This implies, at the very least, his genetic structure is significantly different from the son's of God. If my reading is accurate, he could be the first example of the ultimate in human biological engineering. He further illustrates his differences and potential commonalities with man. King James: And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world. While Jesus spoke over the heads of his audience, the engineers of the game knew well the long lasting implications having carefully constructed the scenario thousands of years before. While the God of Abraham was a mean cuss with no respect for human life, Jesus promoted tolerance, understanding and a movement away from the baser emotions. Both the ancient God and Jesus emanate from the same spring giving the appearance of an evolutionary process. Jesus stated this to be the case when he commented he was not there to change to law of Moses but to add to it. Chapter Twenty Two "Close Encounter Of The Forgotten Kind" In doing research for this book, I did some reading of the various types of encounters with ufos. These were basically stories of the genre I've heard before over the years. However, something unusual happened. I remembered an encounter with two people when I was thirteen years old in the mountains in Los Angeles, California. I'd like to say I'd forgotten about it but that isn't exactly correct. The truth is, I never thought about it until the recall was triggered by reading accounts of similar occurrences. In 1963, I spent a great deal of time hiking in what we call the Verdugo Hills. My dedication to this pursuit wasn't a love of hiking as much as it was my desire to avoid my parents for extended periods of time. As I was coming down the mountain I happened upon a woman, perhaps in her thirties, sunning herself on a rock. Her blouse was open and breasts planely visible. I froze, with my adolescent mouth gaping wide. The only time you saw boobs in those days was in national geographic. About a minute later, a man came walking down an adjacent trail and tapped her on the shoulder. She got up, buttoned her blouse. The both of them looked at me, turned their backs and started walking up the steep trail the man had just come down. I attempted to follow, but both people 'phased'. They disappeared in front of me. The trail in question was narrow with a steep drop off to the left and a straight up mountain wall on the right. There was no place for them to go other than to follow the trail. I put my arms out and ran towards where they had been. I felt that though invisible, they might still be there. I attempted to make physical contact. They weren't there. I walked down the mountain, went home, and forgot the incident for thirty years. I feel my memory of the encounter may not be complete. However, what I do recollect is that it was benign and not particularly injurious. In November, 1993, my nine year old son and I went hiking back up to the place where the encounter occurred. More than anything else, I hoped the excursion might pop more memory loose. It didn't. I did discover something else that is interesting. At the bottom of the canyon is a catch basin. This is a small dam designed to control the water run offs during rain storms and to prevent the terrible floods that plagued Los Angeles during the thirties. On the north side of the dam a symbol had been painted that wasn't there when I had been there in 1963. Even though it was faded, it was still clearly visible. The marker appears to be a modified 1960's peace symbol enclosed within a circle. On the lower legs of the symbol are four hash marks that would make it appear like engines on a jet aircraft. On the upper neck of the symbol is another hash mark. The point of the symbol is facing south, 180 degrees magnetic. The area I had my encounter in 1963 is immediately north. The point of the diagram indicates a direction. It is an amazing coincidence that it intersects a small mom and pop cemetery with an active mortuary with two more active cemeteries a few miles beyond that. We cruised through the nearest cemetery. The oldest grave marker is from 1897. The oddest thing about the site is the fact there is no room in the inn. Nearly all the available space for graves has been used. You can't make money operating a cemetery if you can't plant bodies. The question is, where do they get the money to pay for the operation of the graveyard? There is a small mortuary adjacent to the cemetery. I'd be surprised if they have more than one or two stiffs in there at any given time. It isn't uncommon that when a cemetery becomes financially inviable, the operators simply abandon the property. In areas where the real estate values have risen substantially over the years, the graveyard might be closed, the coffins relocated and the land developed for commercial purposes. I am not a big believer in 'the coincidence'. Is it coincidental that I had an encounter, or that a marker pointing to the cemetery exists, or that there is an operation of a commercially questionable enterprise going on? Is it coincidental that this particular operation also fits the historic pattern of behavior for our ufos? Sure, why not. In my exalted opinion, the marker is designed to be seen from the air and from low altitude. The cemetery is less than ten acres but of sufficient size to make a landing zone. The park is encircled by a six to eight foot wall. The documentation on the cemetery indicates changes of title in 1945 and again in late 1992. Using the oldest grave stone in the park as the beginning of the existence of the facility, we have time spans of forty seven to forty eight years. One would deduce a tour of duty to be that length of time. It also cleanly ties up loose ends relating to the operators of the facility. You won't see these people living paper lives exceeding a normal life expectancy. If these instances weren't enough, shortly after my 1963 encounter, I lost a testicle. Perhaps Lorraina Bobbit found it. Whaddaya think? I developed a hydrocele. This is a condition wherein liquids leak through the intestinal walls into scrotum. The liquids fill the sack inflating it like a water balloon. As it gets larger, the testicle itself is compressed and eventually becomes sterile. The condition is easily corrected if it is treated. In my case, I wouldn't talk to my parents and it was not handled for a year. It seems obvious to me that during the course of their examination, they nicked that intestinal lining. That I lost the gland is my own fault. Never the less, the coincidence factor is mounting. If this isn't enough, I've had a second encounter. I discovered during the course of my research that many abductees remember the particulars of their encounters as if they were in a dream. I too had such an experience in 1973. It is only now in retrospect I view it as an abduction. I was taken into what appeared to be a mini saucer with a gull wing door. It was a relatively small circular room containing two high back black seats. I was escorted to the right seat by a very old man who had only one eye. The bad eye was scarred and appeared to have been burned shut as if someone had taken a hot blade to the skin. The old man took the left seat. Between us was a hidden control panel. He flipped open a lid revealing the controls. There were a variety of knobs and switches. He closed the door sealing the room. On the wall in front of me and extending the entire 360 degrees of the room was a two to three foot movie screen, circlerama. The old man operated the controls, the room darkened and pictures appeared on the screen. They moved too fast for me to focus on any one scene or to comprehend what I was seeing. Even so, I knew that my brain was recording every image and nothing was being lost. When the session was complete, the lights came up, the door opened and the old geezer took me to the door. As I stepped out of the room, I turned to him and said, "You're not real". He gave me an amused smile and replied, "I am and I'm not". I awoke the next morning in my bed. I later identified the old fellow as the Norse God Odin. In conversations with Mike Lindeman from the 2020 group in Santa Barbara, I discovered I am not alone in this experience. Others have had information imparted to them visually. The theme of these sessions is that the people are given advance knowledge of future events. This is true in my case. Additionally, I've been informed by other researchers that the practice of 'programming' individuals was not widespread and ceased after a relatively short period of time. I have always seen trends, global politics and situations with uncanny accuracy. This trait has been an aid in my success as a businessman and has allowed me to avoid injurious situations and people - some of them life threatening. I suspect the choice of using me relates mainly to mental capacity. My IQ is well over average. Intellectual capacity relates to genetics and herein we have proof of a basic truth. It is the end product of the genetic engineering and the medical abductions. I've had two encounters that I recall, one in 1963 and one in 1973. I have no recollection of any visitation in 1983. However, I do know this, I'm due. I have never seen the almond eyed buggers reported in so many abduction cases. My people have always been human. I feel there is a reason for this. If the bug eyed critters are servants then human attention implies greater importance. So far, the evidence of my abduction is at best questionable and much of it is subjective. Aside from myself, there is no witness to collaborate my story. Yet we have one more sizeable coincidence available. CUFOS, The Center For UFO Studies has maintained a database of sighting information for some time. CUFOS will make this data available to anyone willing to pay a nominal fee for it. It is computerized and workable in an ibm/clone pc environment. Low and behold, within the data is sighting information in my geographical area AT THE SAME TIMES of my encounters. In the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles, we have a collection of cities all run together. For any practical purpose they can be considered one entity even though geopolitical boundaries between the varying municipalities say otherwise. An asterisk marks the sighting information for years of my meetings. 1947 0705 GLENDALE US CA 118.25 34.14 1949 0617 GLENDALE US CA 118.25 34.14 1952 03 GLENDALE US CA 118.25 34.14 1952 0731 GLENDALE US CA 118.25 34.14 1957 1117 GLENDALE US CA 118.25 34.14 1963 0205 GLENDALE US CA 118.25 34.14 * 1967 02 GLENDALE US CA 118.25 34.14 1967 0727 GLENDALE US CA 118.25 34.14 1973 0403 GLENDALE US CA 118.25 34.14 * 1973 0404 GLENDALE US CA 118.25 34.14 * 1974 0118 GLENDALE US CA 118.25 34.14 1947 0702 BURBANK US CA 118.31 34.18 1947 0708 BURBANK US CA 118.31 34.18 1949 1031 BURBANK US CA 118.31 34.18 1952 0523 BURBANK US CA 118.31 34.18 1955 0319 BURBANK US CA 118.31 34.18 1955 0827 BURBANK US CA 118.31 34.18 1957 0213 BURBANK US CA 118.31 34.18 1957 0213 BURBANK US CA 118.31 34.18 1957 0214 BURBANK US CA 118.31 34.18 1957 0214 BURBANK US CA 118.31 34.18 1958 0814 BURBANK US CA 118.31 34.18 1962 0227 BURBANK US CA 118.31 34.18 1965 0717 BURBANK US CA 118.31 34.18 1967 0220 BURBANK US CA 118.31 34.18 1967 06 BURBANK US CA 118.31 34.18 1988 0526 BURBANK US CA 118'13 34'12 1948 0721 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1948 0721 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1950 0309 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1950 0309 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1950 0309 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1952 0710 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1952 0711 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1953 1116 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1954 0206 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1954 0222 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1955 0421 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1955 0519 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1955 0724 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1956 0315 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1956 0717 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1956 0719 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1956 0730 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1956 1113 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1957 0131 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1957 0822 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1961 0203 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1967 0624 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1967 0921 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1968 0818 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1971 0110 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1974 0216 VAN NUYS US CA 118.45 34.18 1957 1111 CANOGA PARK CA 118.59 34.20 1957 1111 CANOGA PARK CA 118.59 34.20 1957 1111 CANOGA PARK CA 118.59 34.20 1971 1128 CANOGA PARK CA 118.59 34.20 1974 0225 CANOGA PARK CA 118.59 34.20 1952 0727 SUNLAND CA 1952 0730 SUNLAND CA 1947 0707 LANCASTER CA 118.14 34.71 1947 0707 LANCASTER CA 118.14 34.71 1951 LANCASTER CA 118.14 34.71 1951 LANCASTER CA 118.14 34.71 1952 0801 LANCASTER CA 118.14 34.71 1965 0822 LANCASTER CA 118.14 34.71 1967 LANCASTER CA 118.14 34.71 1988 0803 LANCASTER CA 118'08 34'43 The sighting information for this one geographical area shows a pattern of interest in as much as they occur with regularity. It further supports the theory that regular contact is maintained and presupposes the need to do so. Does it take an enormous leap of logic to propose that instead of being simply extraterrestrial visitors they have been living with us elbow to elbow all along? I don't think so. In any case, my abduction suspicions gain weight and validation through collaborative material. The odds of my not having been abducted have diminished dramatically. Chapter Twenty Three Mr. Data Cufos is an organization staffed mainly by volunteers. Their efforts at data collection are not perfect yet represent a good effort. I've dedicate some considerable time to examining the data, attempting to make sense of it and to establish patterns. It is not possible to deal with the data on a global scale. While some patterns do appear, they are inconsistent. This does not mean that the pattern doesn't exist but rather that an inability to collect information in a consistent fashion results in a deficiency. While our ufos are probably flying regularly scheduled missions, those timetables are not available to us. Even if we were to assume a greater number of sorties than is obvious in the database, we still would be unable to make a rational planetary conclusion. The numbers just aren't there. Even so, it is possible to take localized data, as I have done in my own instance, to construct patterns. Those wishing to purchase the data can contact: Center For UFO Studies 2457 W. Peterson Chicago, IL 60659 312-271-3611 Or: Don Johnson 5 Friar Tuck Drive Medford, NJ 08055 814-692-7596 Persons wishing to work with this data will need an ibm compatible pc and some programming skills. Included as a matter of interest is my computerized summary of the data counting the number of sightings categorized by year. 1931 66 1932 60 1933 110 1934 147 1935 150 1936 62 1937 78 1938 105 1939 65 1940 237 1941 60 1942 119 1943 94 1944 251 1945 659 1946 376 1947 5010 1948 1959 1949 1880 1950 4915 1951 1683 1952 6347 1953 2475 1954 11869 1955 3455 1956 3869 1957 6872 1958 3397 1959 2635 1960 3247 1961 3073 1962 2166 1963 1884 1964 2275 1965 4371 1966 4873 1967 10382 1968 4806 1969 3704 1970 2023 1971 2278 1972 2834 1973 5284 1974 1778 1975 2243 1976 1534 1977 1655 1978 966 1979 299 1980 106 1981 191 1982 45 1983 3 1984 1 1985 0 1986 73 1987 168 1988 296 1989 403 1990 189 Chapter Twenty Six Derrel Sims Derrel Sims is a ufo researcher of the different kind. Instead of observing and talking about that which no one else can seem to prove, he is has devised and implemented schemes to test Con- man's group for weakness and vulnerability. He is a forensic hypnotist adept at getting to the truth of things and is a member of the Houston Ufo Network. This group has a number of people who have been abducted and are STILL being snatched at the rate of once every eight weeks. Because of this on going contact, Derrel is in a unique position. I was referred to Derrel by another ufo researcher who noted a similarity in our goals and the militant manner in which we pursue our ideas re: Con-man. We've both been working on different aspects and after several hours of telephone conversations, I decided to fly to Houston on the weekend of 2/25/94 to let Derrel play with my head to see if he could help me unlock the truths hidden therein. At midnight, Friday evening, Derrell picked me up from Houston's Hobby airport with a member of Hufon. We drove to his home and he bailed for bed. As I was on California time and Derrel doesn't permit smoking in his house, I spent several hours walking his neighborhood. My trip to Houston was accompanied by a considerable amount of unexplained fear. I am not, by nature, a fearful person. I reasoned the fear was irrational or possibly the product of prior programming by Con-man's group. In either case, I decided I would ignore it and proceed according to my own dictates. The following morning, Derrel, his wife Doris and I went out for breakfast then returned to base for our first hypnotic session. I should say that trust is not a commodity I have in abundance. Even so, I had made the decision to trust Derrel before I went. In my conversations, I found him direct, to the point, and credible. These are qualities I respect. I did not find him fanciful, delusional or given to trips on the disoriented express. Our first session was eventful. He took me back to the 1963 episode I suspected may have been an abduction. As recall came back to me, I was able to relive the experience and indeed it was an abduction, but not one wherein I was targeted. Instead, I happened to be in the right place at the wrong time. At age 13 I was given to spending a lot of time hiking in the Verdugo Hills behind Glendale, California. I happened upon a woman sunning her chest while laying on a rock. She was met by a man who tapped her on the shoulder and together the went walking up a steep firebreak. I instinctively knew them to be space people and I followed them. As they walked in front of me, they disappeared. I ran to where they had been with my arms outstretched thinking that though invisible they might still be there. They weren't. The next thing I remembered was standing where I had been when the encounter began. Until Derrel walked me through it hypnotically. Both these individuals were blonde in the way Swedes are. He was approximately 5'11 and she was shorter at 5'7. He was dressed in a pull over shirt and short white tennis pants with pockets in the front. She was dressed in button up blouse and white short pants. Both were wearing socks and tennis shoes. I figured they must have come up from behind me and knocked me out because the next thing I recall was the thought, "How did I get up here?" I was being walked up a road to a metal object. The male was holding onto my left arm tightly and I didn't feel there was any chance for escape. He was obviously pissed at me. The metal object was a vertical cylinder with a large square bay that looked like a loading ramp. The ramp appeared to be retractable and would stack upon itself as it folded shut. There was also a circular staircase going up to another level. I did not, at the time, recognize the object as being part of a flying saucer as I was standing under the main body. This recall came to me only after Derrel instructed me to focus on my surroundings. I was not afraid. The woman said nothing and walked into the cylinder. The man, however, was engaged in a very active conversation with another person. He was peeling off excuses for his behavior faster than I had ever done. As a kid who was always in trouble for disobedience, I found his predicament amusing. It never occurred to me an adult would be dressed down the same way kids are. "What is he doing here?", referring to me. "It was unavoidable - he was coming up here"? "He wasn't going to come anywhere near us. You panicked. This is poor engineering. Your task was simple and now you've complicated matters considerably", said the voice of what was obviously his superior. The man obviously wasn't inclined to argue with his boss and said, "Well, as long as he's here". To this point I had not 'seen' the boss man nor were words being spoken. All the dialogue was mental. Derrel told me to focus on the boss man. I had some trouble doing this as I ran into a block. Derrel gently prodded me to look. I succeeded and to my amazement what I saw wasn't human. It was a seven foot tall bug with two large almond eyes, rust red leathery skin, very thin bipedal arms and legs and large protruding joints at the elbows and knees. While he stood upright, his arms and legs went out at angles and he looked like a preying mantis. I recall thinking that he was very smart. I was taken aback by the existence of this creature but as the man showed no fear of him, I saw no reason to be afraid either. Derrel further asked me to look around the area. I noted that after I looked upward that I was standing underneath the overhang of a saucer. "We have a saucer !!!" It was tucked back into a little gully along side what was a firebreak. Firebreaks are crude roads cut by bulldozers that will retard the advance of a fire. They are unpaved rocky affairs. I was led inside the cylinder by the man who still had a death grip on my arm. He was still pissed and he viewed it as my fault. We went up a circular metal stairway to then next level above us. There I was led into a room that looked like a doctors office and hoisted on the table by the man who stayed close to me still glowering. The woman came into the room carrying a medical tray of metal instruments. I saw two knives a small one that looked like a scalpel and a larger one. They looked very sharp. There was also a scizzors looking instrument with flat heads on the end that looked like it was used for gripping. I also saw a variety of metal rods and had no idea what they were for. The man kept one hand on my right shoulder while the woman pulled off my pants. Then she spread a white drape over me that was thick material like canvas. While I couldn't see what she was doing, I knew she was handling my genitals. Derrel asked me what she was doing to me. I didn't know. I wasn't feeling pain or anything to speak of. The woman was cold, never looked me in the face and didn't acknowledge my presence except to the extent I was the object of her work. She never said a word to me or the man. I became upset and remember thinking, "They don't have the right". I knew resistance was futile and made no effort to fight. This feeling of impotence was compounded by the fact they were adults. It didn't seem like it took her too long to complete her project. I put my own pants back on and the man started to lead me to the stairwell. I stopped and said I wanted to see the cockpit. It was more of a demand than a request. His reaction was one of dismay and he felt I was going to create a problem. As he was already in trouble, he didn't want a scene with me. He said, "you're going to forget it anyway, why not". He took me up another circular ladder to the uppermost level. There I saw three high back chairs with thick arm pads. Each of these chairs sat in what appeared to be a 'work station'. He led me to what was obviously the seat where the pilot sat. He stood by while I looked at the equipment and didn't give me any information on what I was looking at. Never the less, I inhaled a great deal of knowledge. Immediately in front of the seat was a black console with a variety of knobs, switches and slides. These instruments were intended to be set once and left alone. On the uppermost part of the console is what we would now call a computer screen. Above this and imbedded in the wall was a large rectangular view port that looked like window. Through it I could see the San Fernando Valley. The command chair had pads up where the fingers of the hands would naturally rest if the rest of your arm was on the arm rest of the seat. It is from these controls the craft was flown. The whole thing struck me as incredibly simple. I also 'knew' there was a heads up display that could be overlaid on the computer screen and that the terminal doubled as a tactical station for measuring relative distances, speeds and trajectories between the saucer and other objects. I knew the craft carried no weapons. Instead, they used their power supply and the disruptions attendant to its operation to 'play' with our technology. Impatient, the man told me it was time to go. I left, we went down the circular stairs, he was behind me. This was the last thing I remembered. I found myself standing at the spot I had occupied before the abduction. I continued my journey down the mountain, went home, and forgot the incident for thirty years. I feel Derrel's interrogation of me during the hypnotic session was professional and not 'leading'. I know how important it is not to supply your subject with answers or to give 'hints' as to what it is you're seeking. I don't think Derrel did this. Following the session, I wanted to talk about what we had uncovered. Derrel didn't. We did talk of his experience with his abduction group and the various sorts of aliens that had surfaced. It seems that the country is divided into regions and where you live dictates what version of alien you'll encounter. In the Houston area, you'll find what the ufo types call 'The Grays'. These are genetically grown creatures who appear to be sexless, have triangular heads and large almond eyes. These guys come in three basic sizes, small, medium and large. Their intelligence grows with their size. Derrel estimates the smallest have an IQ of about 80 and says they are 'really stupid'. I've seen photos of the grays on television and occasionally in movies. They appear to be fragile. In my neck of the woods you get Nordics. This is the specification for humans who appear to be of Scandinavian decent. They're very blonde, with typical fair skin you'd expect from a Swede. They are very attractive, quite bright and appear to be at or near the top of the pecking order. There is no obvious way to tell a Nordic from a Terran except to the extent that they are perfectly blonde and don't have dark roots. Try taking that into a court. The preying mantis creature I saw shows up in abduction reports but not on the frequency that we see the Grays and the Nordics. The Grays are genetically artificial creatures and they are not totally organic. Derrel has successfully experimented with the idea of implanting his abductees with post hypnotic suggestions. Essentially time bombs that explode into the faces of the abductors. The Gray reaction to one of his efforts was a mass abduction wherein eight of his group were simultaneously picked up and interrogated. During this encounter, seven different types of aliens were reported present and demonstrated considerable concern. Derrell has 'programmed' me with the new ability to dive deep into my subconscious and hide out while being aware of what is going on around me and having the ability to regain conscious control in spite of the alien efforts to immobilize me. Unbeknownst to both of us at the time we did this, I had already developed the ability. The abductor has the impression he is in control when, in fact, you're playing possum. The following day, we resumed our queries into the blanked out arena of my mind. Going under was easier for me this time. Derrel asked me if their were any other times I had been abducted. Again, I hit a momentary wall looking for a mental picture. I found it. October, 1993 - they came through my bedroom closet in a doorway constructed of blue light. Its shape was roughly square. I sleep in my jockies. I awoke laying on a metal table. It isn't quite accurate to say I was awake. I became aware. I had recently had some oral surgery under a general anesthesia. As I awoke from the operation, I heard the nurse exclaim, "His eyes are open". The dentist replied, "He's been doing that every fifteen minutes". Apparently my subconscious does natural reality checks to make sure I'm okay. I believe this is what happened. Prior to the session, I had told Derrel that I had always seen Nordics and had never ever seen a Gray. I was certain this was true. As I did my reality check I saw at the bottom right near my right foot stood A GRAY !!!!!. Alarms went off in my head and I went ballistic. I kicked the son of a bitch right in that little mouth of his. I did it hard too. I felt another Gray grab me by the left shoulder. I grabbed his arm, pulled him forward and gave him a fist where his nose should be. They were in a panic. I heard one yell, "He's loose". I heard another say, "Get him out of here". I remember saying, "You wanted me - NOW YOU'VE GOT ME." I recall taking something akin to a Karate stance. I felt a weight on my back, someone or several of them must of jumped me from behind. The next thing I recall was waking up in my bed, face down, wondering why I was butt naked. I later found my shorts on the floor at the foot of the bed. Having regained my memory of the incident, I now know these things. The doorway they come through is four dimensional. It is programmed to switch off a human simply by passage through it. It also installs into that individual a general mind block blitzing short term memory. In this instance, they did not have time to do anything else and, to be sure, they have other devices for cranking your mental windows shut. Physically, the Grays are slight and fragile. When I grabbed the arm of the one, his bone felt hollow. It wouldn't have taken much effort to have ripped the arm out of the socket, assuming its in one. Mentally, they are arrogant and condescending. They view us as little more than trash. I assume this to be a reflection of their Nordic masters. They aren't too bright and my feeling is they're insecure and resentful they have no chance of bettering their Nordic creators. They are what they are, the lowest visible element in a brave new world. As such, they are also the weakest link in the chain and the one most susceptible to attack. I don't believe I've had anymore encounters and feel I am free of future intrusions only because I am now a life threatening possibility. During my hypnotic session I became amused and said, "The little bastards have a survival instinct". To this point, they can experience fear. Give me your fear and I own you. They're afraid of me. I can state that I'm not totally comfortable with the idea I 'can't' be snatched again. However, the genie's out of the bottle, Pandora's box is open, and I intend to be the monkey with the wrench. I feel there is absolutely nothing they can do to stop me. We progressed farther and deeper going back to my 1973 'dream' wherein I was 'programmed' with a great deal of information. I mentally walked the route I had remembered. I was taken into a room and seated in a chair before which was a circlerama type 360 degree movie screen. I was shown pictures but at such a high rate of speed, they appeared to be a blur of incoherent images. Derrell instructed me to slow it down so I could take a good look. It didn't work. In attempting to obey, the screen went blank. I put things back to their normal speed and again, it was going too fast. I told Derrel it wasn't working. I could tell, however, that the very first image on the reel was the resignation of Richard Nixon. I suspect that as the images were imparted to me visually, they may have been stored in an area of my brain that dealt with visual material only. However, as visual information can be 'known' I suggested to Derrell that he ask me questions and from that I may 'know' the answer. This worked. The database I carry between my ears is essentially a visual record akin to thirty years of the six o'clock news. Small tidbits of seemingly unrelated information. Yet, together, they construct a timeline of what is now mostly historical information and the remnant being future events. It is a massive database of information. I also consider it no small coincidence that one of the aspects of my professional life is that I have compiled a large database of criminal records from which investigators of various types consult. Question : Are the military and the ufos working together. Answer : No, the military hates them. In 1957 deals were cut, bargains made but the aliens held our intelligence in such high disregard they reneged on the deals. The military constructed a sophisticated arrangement that was like circles within circles within circles. The aliens had no idea how complex the human mind can be. Their duplicity was revealed rapidly. Question : Is the military rebuilding alien craft at Area 51. Answer : Yes. Question : Is this from the Roswell crash? Answer : They didn't get hardly anything from Roswell. The materials have been gained from various crashes. Question : How many? Answer : Bunches. They got an engine from one in Ohio and bits and pieces from others. However, these ships must be run by computer. The formulas needed to manipulate the power supply are kept in the computer. They've never gotten a working computer, so we've had to adapt our technology to their hardware. We don't understand the physics of what makes their engines work BUT we can make it work. It's like you don't have to know how to fix a car to drive one. Essentially, we've copied what we don't understand and through trial and error managed to get something that functions. Unfortunately, it's a half-breed and is strictly suborbital. It can't phase or make the shifts into hyperspace. What they're doing at 51 is a good thing and you ufo types should stay away. Additional Information : The military is aware of the mechanics of abduction. Upper echelons are screened regularly for indications of an abduction. They've devised testing that is accurate in this regard. Also, anyone working at 51 is subject to the same scrutiny. This is done in conjunction with standard security procedures like dividing the job up so no one person knows all of what's going on. It works. The ufos are scrambling for any information they can get on what is going on up there. They have not succeeded and are quite worried about it. Question : Armageddon Answer : Israel is the catalyst that begins the chain of events. I'm so sick of thinking about Israel. They have no intentions of making peace with the Palestinians. It's a ruse to keep money rolling in from the United States. Question : Clinton Answer : Clinton was abducted when he was in England. Hillary at a later date. She's programmed to be his keeper and to see to it he's kept on a short leash. Ufo's aided in his presidential bid. We should have known when he said he had always 'dreamed' of being President. The ufos aren't shaping policy except to the extent they want him to crash and burn. I don't think he'll finish out his term. When he goes down it will begin to unravel the threads of world stability. Chaos and panic will result from the consequences of the actions begun by his lack of integrity. It is to this end, he was elected. Gore won't be much better, but he hasn't been ufoized. Even so, if the Clinton administration fails, the groundwork for Armageddon has been laid. Question : Where is Con-man He is currently based on or near Phobos, one of the Martian moons. Question : Describe God God is not a diety. The word is a proper name for a fifth dimensional creature who controls the Nordics and several other 4th dimensional races. These people give him abject obedience. Humanity is considered tainted as we possess free will, the ability not to obey. The entire structure of their society is built upon genetic engineering. While they master these functions, they can not grasp, locate, engineer, construct or steal human individuality. They can copy minds like diskettes from a computer but they can not utilize that information to make the leap beyond technology to inspiration. They possess all the survival instincts and emotions we do but they do not have souls. God is in search of a soul. As the controlled races are subservient to God, they are no more than a reflection of him. Their glaring limitations provide prima facia evidence of this fact. During the last twenty years, so much of my knowledge and information has come from nonsubstantive sources. Dreams have been a major source. Without realizing it, I have been accessing the data provided me. Knowledge of a personal nature was attached to the files. My feeling is that this was supposed to bond me to the datafile as a consistent and reliable source of accurate information. There are others like me. Each of us having a different piece of the puzzle. Each of us having been programmed to perform a specific task at a precise moment in time. The issue of time travel has, once again, resurfaced. In earlier chapters, I had discounted that Con-man was capable of anything other than a linear existence even though he was able to utilize the time aspects of traveling through hyperspace. We still have no definitive evidence as to how he manages to obtain advance knowledge of future events except to the degree he creates them himself. However, how does he come up with pictures of those events so he can use them as an mental implant? One theory comes to mind. Within the Hindu philosophy is a recording device called the Akashic Record. This is purported to be the record of every human event that has ever occurred and the probabilities of that which will occur. Emphasis on probability, the future is not a hard and fast thing. Taking this religious concept into the realm of pseudoscience, we can postulate that, if it does exist, then the energy of the actions of mankind drift off to a place where they survive the moment. We know that energy can not be destroyed and that things of a similar nature tend to group together. It follows that the actuality of such a record is within the realm of possibility. Clearly, Con-man has some tool that affords him the ability to see ahead. Even so, as he must manipulate circumstances in this time frame lends credence to the supposition that future events can be altered. One of Derrel's abductees reports that she was shown an image of the human brain and asked to point out the location of the soul. Herein, we have the basic difference between us and Con-man's Nordic's. While we are genetically the same, our sense of individuality AND our unpredictability makes for a radical divergence somewhere in the evolutionary ether. The question becomes are we the mutants or are they? We must also realize that superior technology does not necessarily imply superior being. In fact, their limitations are glaring and it forces reexamination of some of the conclusions I have heretofore drawn. Is there a white had in the game? I feel there is, but can not form a logical basis for his existence. Prudence demands that we take care of our own problems. Chapter Twenty Seven "From The Database" It is the bane of my existence that I spend a great deal of time in courtrooms. My work product is frequently used in civil and criminal trials. As such, it must stand the test of close scrutiny and be provable. Yet, when the gray areas of the mind are brought before the bar, we turn to psychiatric professionals to pontificate on the validity of the unseen. If you take one thousand psychologists, you will get one thousand opinions, fifteen hundred feelings and not one iota of fact. I find myself in the uncomfortable position of not being able to prove a single word of what I am about to write. It is unfortunate that the validity of my statements can not be confirmed or denied until the moment they fade into the shadows of the past. Subject: Overview Earth is the genetic nursery for a number of off planet species. The operation was established by 'god' using Nordics whose ancestors were from this planet. We are unique in many respects and have marketable aspects. We are not the only planet of this genre. Various human populations have been abducted and seeded onto other planets replicating this colony. Like us, they are subject to periodic harvesting. Con-man is guaranteed a constant supply of genetic material to service his clientele. What he receives in return is unknown. Subject : The Grays Genetically engineered life forms. Worker bees given sufficient intelligence to perform certain tasks. They screw up frequently. They possess a hive mentality. What one knows they all know. They possess emotions. They are physically fragile and easily killed. They harbor petty resentment towards the Nordics resulting from their low station in the caste. They will, however, obey. Subject : Nordics. Humans who have been genetically restructured to be able to interface with the hive. They do, however, have the power of independent action apart from the hive. They are immortal but can be killed. Like the Grays, they give blind obedience. They too are subject to making mistakes. They are paranoid and given to excess when the subject is security. They are very bright. Nordics can reproduce but are unsuitable as source material for the creation of other species in as much as they've been altered to directly serve Con-man. They can reproduce. Subject : Browns I have seen a rendition of these people in the movie about Travis Walton, Fire In The Sky. They are customers of Con-man and have been issued limited fishing licenses to extract the genetic materials they wish. They are not prime players. They are genetically engineered creatures incapable of reproduction and rely upon Con-man to provide the raw materials for their continued existence. Subject : The Bugs A highly intelligent species and a part of Con-mans consortium of customers. Also artificially created life forms. They are not prime players. Subject : Aliens There are a variety of other species all forming a federation of clients who are allowed limited access to the planet and us. Each one of them are artificial and unable to breed. Con-man designed them this way deliberately to guarantee their allegiance to him. Subject : Con-man's Purpose Satan chose to separate himself from his parent race. He has created his empire from us to the extent that he is allowed. He has engineered these races of intelligent mutations with the goal of overthrowing the parent species. Con-man is guaranteed the obedience of the species he has created in as much as he designed each to be sterile and without reproductive capacity. Therefore, each group, if they wish continuity, must obey the master who controls access to the genetic grocery store. Nordics are the exception. Their children are born as we are AND they are born here. Young Nordics are raised on Earth and remain here, or on a similar planet, until they are between 30 and 35 years old. At that time, they are given a genetic implant that converts them in immortal beings. They then spend the bulk of their lives in space. Con-man's ship is a limited enclosed environment. It can support only so many bodies. If Nordics are at the top of the ladder, it is reasonable to propose that the creation of the other artificial species was done for a purpose - to fulfill a need for troops. The large almond eye of the Gray, for example, implies a creature designed to be in a low light environment. Additionally, the other creations would meet some other need. Subject : Weaponry Con-man's space craft do not have any weapons. He feels there is no purpose and it is a product of his arrogance. Subject : Power Con-man is not the greatest power in the universe and is at odds with another race of beings. He avoids contact with them. This is not a war but is best described as a cold war. These other beings will not help us except to the extent that their actions may have indirect benefits. Even so, it will not stop the harvest. Subject : Death Con-man is prohibited from directly killing us. Accidents have occurred resulting in human death. However, these are contra- policy. They can manipulate us into using our free will to destroy ourselves. It is unknown as to 'who' the prohibitor is. Subject : The Military The U.S. military is attempting to develop the technology necessary to deal with Con-man. While their efforts have been admirable, they have not succeeded to the degree it will make any significant difference. Their focus has been primarily on flying craft and this has been an error. Subject : Abduction (Detection) It is possible to construct simple devices to detect whether an abduction has occurred. Take a compass, place it on a table and make sure the needle is pointing north. Take a small circular magnet and place it near the compass at a right angle. This will form a relationship between the needle and the magnet. The needle should still be pointing north. Based on reports of the interactions of ufos and aircraft, our compasses always go haywire in the presence of their power supplies. An abductee snatched through the use of the four dimensional doorway would find that the magnet had been thrown clear of the compass OR that the needle of the compass would now be pointed at the magnet and not to the north. The relationship between the compass and the magnet are tenuous at best and the induction of any magnetic anomalies into the room will disrupt the balance. Subject: Abduction (Prevention) Any type of detector can be used to trigger a device. The idea of the compass detector can be modified to close a circuit when the needle spins from north to any other direction. The question becomes what sort of device should it activate. It is pointless to actuate an alarm system of beeps, bells, whistles or sirens. While it would definitely wake the neighbors, it isn't going to do much for the abductee. Instead, we have to take the battle to them, to hurt them and, in so doing, dissuade them from trying again. Their mental communications occur in the Theta Band between 2 and 12 hertz. We know these very low frequency (vlf) wavelengths require a great deal of energy to make a signal travel any distance. Never the less, they would be practical for low energy short distance communications between people. My best guesstimate as to range is 100 feet to 100 yards maximum. This type of signal is also very easy to detect. Therefore, a receiver catching such a signal could easily trigger a transmitter sending the input back but boosted considerably in power. The Nordic or Gray on the other end might conceivably find their mental circuits overloaded. At the very least, and it seems likely, that a mother of a migraine would be in order. Another good probability is to inject energy into the room in an effort to disrupt the magnetics of the 4D doorway. An off the shelf micron tube might generate sufficient microwave energy to do the trick. Three dimensional solids become irrelevant in the presence of a stable 4D environment. Destabilize the dimensional shift at a moment when someone is walking through it and you might very well have a Gray materializing in the middle of a wall. If the ship were unable to reestablish the doorway, we'd be left with very hard, very Gray evidence. In any case, the would be abductors would be foiled. Subject : Missing Satellites The government is aware of Con-man's presence in the Martian system and realizes that any probe we send to recon the area will be destroyed. While a violation of space treaties, we and the Russians have nukes in orbit. Unfortunately, like Hitler's fixed fortifications of World War II, they are pointing the wrong way. Shuttle missions are being planned to realign and adapt these weapons for long range use away from the planet in the hope of catching Con-man with his pants down. Given their arrogance, the idea has a chance of success. Subject : Armageddon casualties. A scenario for the rapid cremation of the dead should be implemented. This, for the sole purpose of denying the enemy his prize. Portable crematoria the size of cargo containers should be constructed. These can be dropped near a gas main, hooked up and you're ready to shake and bake. Additionally, a plan to guard the dead should be implemented. Subject : Aerial Interdiction. Impossible with conventional aircraft. Conceivable with Area 51 Hybrids but there aren't sufficient numbers available to make a difference. At best they will be a nuisance. Subject : Public Knowledge The government's policy of secrecy on the subject will result in millions of unnecessary deaths. Official policy is to treat us with the same arrogant disregard as does Con-man. Subject : The Hive The concept of communal thought is not alien to this planet. The best example can be seen in the Chinese culture. Yet, it has spread under the guise of democracy throughout the United States. Large segments of the liberal left have been weaned on the idea that government should take care of you. That the individuals who succeed to become wealthy are robber barons stealing from those who don't have the intelligence, drive or desire to take the risks themselves. Clinton's current health care proposals are a center piece of this mentality. Business should pay for an individual's health care from the womb to the tomb. It ignores the fact that most commercial concerns are small and do not have the resources. Government seeks to impose on the private sector a corrupt philosophy because it could never impose a direct tax on the individual population sufficient to raise the needed funds and get away with it. The American hive feels that business owes them something other than a pay check it should be responsible for continuing the failed welfare programs of the last thirty years. Our universities and colleges have turned out generation after generation of liberal clones programmed to be civilized and ignorant of the one basic truth. The law of this planet is the survival of the fittest. Those who aren't will find the harvest their reward. Subject : The Future Mankind in general will learn to be content with less. Subject : The Underground I believe there is an underground at work within the Nordic empire. Certain incongruous details arose from my sessions with Derrell Sims. The most glaring of these was the placement of a red carpet at the portal from which I was transported from the ship. Furthermore, that I was left unattended for the brief period I walked down a corridor between the entry gate and the learning certain operated by Odin. To be sure, there wasn't a possibility I could do any damage, however, given the paranoid nature of the Nordics, it is unusual. The ship itself was all gray metal as you would expect in one of our naval vessels. The red carpet was strangely out of place. Taken in conventional terms, it would indicate a VIP or an event of some importance. While my ego knows few bounds, I am not convinced I am all that important to some interplanetary scheme. I take it to be a flag designed to attract attention. Odin is an unusual character. The Nordics I've seen have always been young. Odin is the only old Nordic I've encountered. We should note, with no small irony, that Odin was born of two giants. He lived a human existence but was made into a 'god'. Further, the Norse legend dictates that he will do battle at the end of the world with the 'giants' and will go one on one with Loki. Loki's Christian counterpart is Satan. Herein we have a cross reference to Revelations from another culture. Given our current knowledge of the players it seems highly relevant. The Norse myths, however, dictated that the end of the world occurred at Noah's flood. If Odin did indeed have his great battle with the evil one, he lost and joined the ranks of the enemy. In doing so, he gained immortality. The ship itself had metal hatches indicating double and even triple redundancy designed to protect the craft in the event of a hull breach. The smaller shuttle affairs do not have this feature. It indicates a much larger ship and implies greater importance to Odin. The theater I was taken into was not designed for programming abductees. It is a learning center for Nordics. It seems unlikely that a man of his importance would condescend to handle a seemingly mundane matter. Nordics are big on pecking order. The only logical conclusion is that he wished to control all aspects of security with regards to the instance. It appears he was covering his own backside. If true, then the implication is obvious. He was doing something he isn't supposed to be doing. It also suggests the hive isn't all knowing, that independent thought can be concealed and that we may be provided with assistance in one form or another. It is a misconception that all Nordics are blonde. They aren't. Yet, the ones that are, are perfectly blonde. You won't be seeing dark roots. Subject : The Space Brothers A group of highly advanced individuals here to help us evolve. Answer = Baloney! Subject : Financial concerns. The recession hasn't bottomed out and will slide into a deep depression rivaling the 1930's. Real estate has not bottomed, wait. The stock market is the psychological indicator for the financial community. Most things related to the medical industries will slide downward. Insurance concerns will not fair well given the upcoming disasters that will bankrupt the less stable of their industry. Gasoline prices will decline but government will use this as an excuse to raise taxes keeping the price near a buck a gallon. Travel and resort industries will suffer. Precious metals will decrease in value, gold and platinum in particular. For these concerns, I'd advise selling short. It is advantageous during hard times to have cash on hand. Those with a supply of the green stuff can do well on the firesale market. This is particularly true of real estate. My advice is to look to your own personal security, forego 'investments' and wait. If you want a house for your home, buy it with the idea that you're going to live there a long time. Not with an eye for making a fast buck. Subject : Major Cities Get out of them if you can. Civil, political and financial unrest will spill into the streets producing unprecedented rioting. The government who sold us the idea that it would take care of us can't and doesn't have the resources to do so. Those believing the lie will not hide their disappointment that they've been sold a bill of goods. Subject : Relationships During hard times, families bind back together and will be more inclined to work for their common survival. This will produce a reversal in the 'what's in it for me mentality'. People will become much more conservative. Divorce will decline as the need to survive supersedes petty problems in marriages. Subject: Saviours Currently, the only visible Messiahs' are the American and Russian military. Neither will have much effectiveness against Con-man as they will already be engaged with China and the other World War III side shows orchestrated by the bad guys. The Civil leadership will be impotent, confused and ineffective. Subject : Free Will Using the story of Job as a template, we may deduce that Con-man is not permitted to directly kill us. However, with the mentality of a Washington shyster, he may do so indirectly. His behavior is consistent with this analysis. This implies the existence of the greater authority. Power, being what it is, dictates that a greater force can impose its will on a lesser power. Con-man operates under a limitations and is, therefore, the lesser power. Subject : God If Con-man is the antithesis of good, inverse applications of logic work to provide some definition of the race of people who might be the white hats. There is, however, insufficient information available to make an intelligent speculation. Subject : Humanity of the Nordics In my first abduction in the hills of Los Angeles, I came upon a Nordic woman sunning her chest. In retrospect, this strikes me as exactly what someone would wish to do if they'd been cooped up out of the sunlight for a while. In fact, all three members of the crew were outdoors getting some sun and fresh air. Many who run into the Nordics come back with positive feelings about them. Conversely, many do not. My first encounter was injurious, my second wasn't. However, the purpose of the abduction was different in each case. It follows that the reaction one has to them revolves around what is done to you and how you're handled. I am not a hate filled person. However, based upon the resurrected memory of October, 1993, the sight of a Gray sends me nuclear and homicidal. Due to the limited time I had with Derrel Sims, I wasn't able to explore all of the abduction material available. I do know this, for me to have the reaction I do, they would have had to do something to me to create the such hatred. I am not alone in this regard. Many others have had similar reactions. Chapter Twenty Eight The Ufo Movement From my admittedly brief experience with those who profess to be serious researchers I've come to a variety of conclusions. Those who make money from the endeavor do so by pandering stories, many of them old, about ufos - encounters and the same old material that's worked its way into a variety of sci fi movies and serials. They sell monographs manufactured by cheap printing methods for anywhere from two dollars to ten dollars. They also run lectures and seminars for the public proffering information on aliens, ufos, government conspiracies and the like. The prices charged for these affairs are reasonable. In March, 1994, I went to one such meeting of a Mufon group here in Los Angeles. The most genuine thing there were the hundred or so people who paid to learn something. There were five tables with a variety of literature for sale. I approached several of the people working these tables and asked some pretty basic questions. (Basic for me). "Is there anyone that you know of that's ever seen a Nordic". Answer, "I'm sorry I have to go". He went to the bathroom and ignored me on his way back. At another table. "From the literature you have here, it would seem you're knowledgeable on the subject of aliens" Answer, "Yes" "Can you tell me how to distinguish a Nordic from a human"? The party turned their back and walked away from me. Finally, I approached the person who appeared responsible for the shindig and asked him, "If you had the opportunity to meet a Nordic, would you take it"? This gentleman too made a beeline for the bathroom. I then scanned the crowd. From my meeting with the abductee's support group in Houston, I immediately recognized people who appeared to carry the same type of trauma I saw in the Hufon group. Many of the people there, knowingly or not, were abductees searching for answers on a conscious or subconscious level. I did not approach any of these people. My opinion of Mufon diminished to that of a bunch of do nothings. They purport to collect data from around the world yet do not, as of this writing, have that data into a computer system. Therefore, for any serious statistical or analytical purpose, it is useless. It follows that the stated purpose of their group is not one of legitimate research. Conversely, the Center For Ufo Studies out of Evanstan, Illinois has had a computerized data base established for many years. Yet, these very same people, are promoting the government conspiracy theories. How valid can their opinions and criticisms be when the differences between the purpose of their organization and its actual practice fall under the genre of hypocrisy. As if this wasn't enough, battles of credibility, charges and counter charges abound from within their ranks. The politics of who gets to be the Big Cheese and which ineffectual path they will follow occupies a major portion of their time and efforts. All in all, there aren't many people out there fighting the good fight for the right.