Observatory Visitors' Interpretations

This page has been reserved for your interpretations of particular prophecies of Nostradamus. As mentioned earlier, your educated guesses are truly as good as those of anyone else. EDUCATED is the key term here -- certainly not limited to academic education.

If you have investigated by (even if your interest has been sporadic):

  • Contemplating the quatrains;
  • Acquainting yourself with the times in which this prophet lived;
  • Studying what is known as "history";
  • Reading the interpretations of others concerning Nostradamus; and
  • Paying attention to what is going on in the world today,

and would like to share your insights with the rest of us, I hope you will consider contacting me through e-mail. In order to be added to this page, you must provide applicable reference numbers (i.e., Century, Quatrain), the line to which each of your interpretations applies, and a name (Handles will be accepted.) that can be used for attribution.

Important Warning!

Century 6, Quatrain 100
Incantation of the Law Against Inept Critics

Quos legent hosce versus maturè censunto,
Profanum vulgus inscium ne attrectato:
Omnesq; Astrologi, Blennis, Barbari procul sunto,
Qui aliter facit, is rite sacer esto.

May those who read this verse think upon it deeply.
Let the profane and ignorant herd keep away.
Let all astrologers, idiots and barbarians stay far off.
He who does otherwise, let him be priest to the rite.


Submitted by Flux

Century 2, Quatrain 46

Apres grâd troche humain plus grâd s'appreste
Le grand moteur les siecles renouuelle:
Pluye sang laict, famine, fer peste,
Au ciel veu feu, courant longue estincelle.

After great misery for humanity, an even greater one approaches
When the great cycle of the centuries is renewed:
It will rain blood, milk, famine, war and disease,
In the sky will be seen a fire, dragging a tail of sparks.

In reference to the last two lines:

Raining blood:
1) Black or red rain from nuclear fallout (does actually occur);
2) So much death that the ground will be so wet with blood that it will seem that it has rained blood.

After the nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl, the radioactive rain that fell on pastures (black rain, incidentally) caused contamination of milk and all dairy products. Huge quantities of milk were destroyed because of possible radioactivity. Many countries still will not import milk from a large portion of land surrounding the site.

No food will be edible where nuclear weapons have landed.

Radiation sickness.

Fire and sparks in the sky:
Nuclear warfare and possible satellite defenses.

Conclusion: Satellite defenses will destroy a nuclear weapon, leaving fallout to descend on land.


Century 6, Quatrain 97

Cinq quarante degrez ciel bruslera
Feu approcher de la grand cité neuue
Instant grand flamme esparse sautera
Quand on voudra des Normans faire preuue.

The sky will burn at forty-five degrees.
Fire approaches the great New City.
Immediately a huge scattered flame leaps up
When they want to have proof of the Normans.

A nuclear device will hit New York. Because of the recent French nuclear testing, blame will be pointed back to them.


Century 5, Quatrain 98

A quarante huict degré climaterique,
A fin de Cancer si grande seicheresse:
Poisson en mer, fleuue: lac cuit hectique,
Bearn, Bigorre par feu ciel en detresse.

At the forty-eighth degree of the climacteric,
The end of Cancer, there is a very great drought.
Fish in the sea, river and are boiled hectic.
Bearn and Bigorre in distress from fire in the sky.

Century 2, Quatrain 3

Pour la chaleur solitaire sus la mer,
De Negrepont les poissons demy cuits:
Les habitans viendront entamer,
Quand Rhod Gennes leur faudra le biscuit.

Because of heat like that of the sun on the sea,
The fish around Negrepont will be half-cooked.
The local people will eat them
When in Rhodes and Genoa there is lack of food.

Referring to the previous two quatrains: America retaliates by firing a nuclear device at France. It lands somewhere in the ocean. People, not realizing this, continue to eat radioactive fish because there is no real telling how far radiation can leak and spread.


Submitted by Talath

Century 3, Quatrain VI

Dans temple clos le foudre y entrera,
Les citadins dedans leur fort greuez.
Chevaux, boeufs, hommes, l'onde mur touchera,
Par faim, soif, soubs les plus foibles armez.

Within the closed temple the lightning will enter,
The citizens within their fort injured:
Horses, cattle, men, the wave will touch the wall,
Through famine, drought, under the weakest armed.

As I see it, this refers directly to the Gulf War:

The first line immediately brings to mind images of the HQ in Baghdad where a smart bomb entered and exploded from within.

Second line: the bomb shelter that got hit by mistake.

Third line: ?????
Fourth line: while Sadam’s republican guard was well supplied, the rest of his army suffered famine and lack of water.

Submitted by J. Lewis

Century 2, Quatrain 41

La grand estoille par sept iours bruslera,
Nuee fera deux soleils apparoir:
Le gros mastin toute nuit hurlera,
Quand grand pontife changera de terroir.

The great star will burn for seven days,
The cloud will cause two suns to appear:
The big mastiff will howl all night
When the great pontiff will change country.

I don't know what a "mastiff" or "pontiff" is, but it gives me the CREEPS. Regarding the first and second lines: It sounds like a nuclear attack causing a city to "BURN" for 7 days; the resulting mushroom cloud will glow like a second sun. (i.e., from the aforementioned fire). I note my hair standing on end as I write this.


Submitted by C. Captline

Century 9, Quatrain 9

Migres, migre de Genefue trestous,
Saturne d’or en fer se changera,
Le contre RAYPOZ exterminera tous,
Avant l’a ruent le ciel signes sera.

Leave, leave Geneva everyone!
The grim reaper will change gold to iron.
Those against RAYPOZ will be exterminated.
Before the invasion the heavens will show signs.

I understand that most of the followers of prophecy have seen this as being a reference to the third antichrist and his assault on the western world; however, I feel that this is, in fact, an old prophecy that has already come to pass.

It is my understanding that the reference to Geneva has to do with the League of Nations and its failure to stop Nazi aggression in Europe. If the League of Nations would have put an end to Hitler's advances in the beginning, then he would not have launched an all-out war in Europe. But, the League failed, and Hitler was able to take the money that Germany had not used to pay back war debts from WWI, but rather, use that money to help further his own agenda and to build the weapons that he felt were needed for his own, private war.

The idea of Hitler being called the grim reaper is not far-fetched at all. For he was an angel of death, a slayer of many. Even though I cannot figure out why Hitler would be referred to as RAYPOZ, I still wonder why N. would choose the word exterminate to use, when speaking about his opposition.

This is important because, after all, Hitler did plan to exterminate the Jews. Finally, the heavens showing signs before the invasion just might refer to the way that Hitler dropped leaflets of Nostradamus’ predictions over France before the invasion. We know that Hitler did this to psych out the French, but being that they fell from the sky, it could be seen as a sign from the heavens.


Selected "Unfulfilled" Prophecies of Nostradamus

This section contains a selection of Nostradamus' currently watched prophecies along with the theories of two of his most popular interpreters: Erika Cheetham (1989) and Henry C. Roberts (1947), and occasional comments by John Hogue. English translations are taken from those of Hogue and/or Cheetham.

Keep in mind that these are opinions and that your own educated impressions could well be more accurate than those that follow.

Century 10, Quatrain 72

L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois,
Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d'effrayeur:
Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois,
Auant apres Mars regner par bon-heur.

In the year 1999 and seven months
The Great King of Terror will come from the sky,
He will bring back to life the great king of the Mongols (Ghengis Khan).
Before and after the God of war (and of transformation) reigns happily.

Cheetham: Coming of the Third Antichrist from the East; war before and after his arrival; Nostradamus is not predicting an instant End of the World.

Roberts: Tremendous world upheaval preceded by worldwide wars; coming of the Antichrist.

Century 2, Quatrain 46

Apres grâd troche humain plus grâd s'appreste
Le grand moteur les siecles renouuelle:
Pluye sang, laict, famine, fer & peste,
Au ciel veu feu, courant longue estincelle.

After a great misery for mankind an even greater approaches.
The great cycle of the centuries is renewed:
It will rain blood, milk, famine, war and disease.
In the sky will be seen a fire, dragging a tail of sparks.

Cheetham: War and plague linked with a comet appearing toward the end of a century.

Roberts: Before a new type of power appears, awesome aerial projectiles will cause much suffering; nuclear space warfare.

Century 9, Quatrain 83

Sol vingt de Taurus si fort de terre trembler,
Le grand theatre remply ruinera:
L'air, ciel & terre obscurcir & troubler,
Lors l'infidelle Dieu & saincts voguera.

The Sun in 20 degrees Taurus
There will be a great earthquake; the great theater full up will be ruined.
Darkness and trouble in the air, on the sky and land,
When the infidel calls upon God and the Saints.

Cheetham: Nostradamus gives the day but not the year of this earthquake -- either May 1 (Julian calendar) or May 21 (present calendar). [Hogue puts the date between May 5-10 in the year 2000.]

Roberts: The 10th of May given as the date of the great cataclysm.

Century 6, Quatrain 97

Cinq & quarante degres ciel bruslera
Feu approcher de la grand cité neuve
Instant grand flamme esparse sautera
Quand on voudra des Normans faire preuue.

The sky will burn at forty-five degrees latitude,
Fire approaches the great new city (New York)
Immediately a huge, scattered flame leaps up
When they want to have verification from the Normans (France).

Cheetham: New York City lies between 40 and 45 degrees and is often referred to by N. as the "New City"; where and how France is involved is unclear.

Roberts: Cataclysmic fire shall engulf the greatest and newest of the world's big cities: New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Bucharest, Belgrade, Rome, Paris, and Madrid.

Morgana: Given recent events, I wonder whether this has anything to do with the TWA 800 disaster and if we will find some sort of "proof" from France, whose involvement would be due to the number of its citizens killed on the plane.

Century 5, Quatrain 98

A quarante huict degré climaterique,
A fin de Cancer si grande seicheresse:
Poisson en mer, fleuue: lac cuit hectique,
Bearn, Bigorre par feu ciel en detresse.

At a latitude of forty-eight degrees
At the end of Cancer (July 22) there is a very great drought.
Fish in the sea, river and lake boiled hectic,
Bearn and Biggore (Southwestern France) in distress from fire in the sky.

Cheetham: 48 degrees runs through France near Rennes and Orleans; drought predicted after a July 22 (see the quatrain that follows).

Roberts: Great heat and drought, mostly in France.

Hogue: Wave of global droughts by July 1998; global warming steadily kicks in, further disrupting weather patterns and conditions needed to grow grain.

Century 2, Quatrain 3

Pour la chaleur solaire sur la mer
De Negrepont les poissons demy cuits,
Les habitans les viendront entamer
Quand Rhod et Gennes leur faudra le biscuit.

Because of heat like that of the sun on the sea,
The fish around Negrepont will be half-cooked.
The local people will eat them
When in Rhodes and Genoa there is lack of food.

Cheetham: Implies something of far greater strength than a freak heat wave, possibly an atomic explosion somewhere over the Aegean; conditions of famine and possibly war in Italy and Greece.

Roberts: Volcanic eruptions.

Century 6, Quatrain 10

Un peu de temps les temples des couleurs
De blanc & noir des deux entre meslee:
Rouges & iaunes leur embleront les leurs,
Sang, terre, peste, faim, feu d'eau affollee.

In a short time the colors of the temples;
With black and white, the two will be intermingled.
The red and yellow ones will carry off their possessions from (their temples).
Blood, earth, plague, hunger, fire, maddened by thirst.

Cheetham: Religion will become confused; red and yellow may refer to Communists and Chinese who, when they carry the day, will being in their wake the forecasted plague, famine, and wars.

Roberts: All the races of the world will lose their prejudices and become as one.

Hogue: Intermingling of faiths and races; could refer to the retreat of Russians and Chinese from satellite nations; double meaning for "fire" -- global warming and nations running out of water.

Century 1, Quatrain 87

Ennosigee feu du centre de terre,
Fera trembler autour de cité neuue
Deux grands rochiers long têps feront la guerre,
Puis Arethuse rougira nouueau fleuue.

Earthshaking fire from the center of the Earth
Will cause the towers around the New City to shake:
Two great rocks will war for a long time,
And then Arethusa shall color a new river red.

Cheetham: Possibly refers to eruption of Mount St. Helens, due to "red river" indicating lava.

Roberts: Two great rocks at war are East and West; NY undergoes nuclear attack.

Century 9, Quatrain 44

Migrés, migrés de Geneue trestous.
Saturne d'or en fer se changera,
Le contre RAYPOZ exterminera tous,
Auant l'aduent le ciel signes fera.

Leave, leave Geneva everyone!
The grim reaper (Saturn) will change gold to iron (wealth to arms?)
Those against RAYPOZ (?) will be exterminated.
Before the invasion the heavens will show signs.

Cheetham: Intriguing quatrain; RAYPOZ is an unsolved anagram.

Roberts: Translates line 3 as "The contrary of the positive ray shall exterminate all"; eventual destruction of our civilization by means of the release of atomic energy.


Potential Signs of Nostradamus' Millennium

In The Final Prophecies of Nostradamus, Erika Cheetham notes, "Nostradamus' family had declared themselves converts to the Christian religion by 1502, two years before he was born. But they never entirely left their Judaism behind. We learn that among the first things Nostradamus was taught by his grandfather was Hebrew, so the ancient creed must have been a strong tradition among the family.

"The Old Testament predicts that seven great events will happen at roughly the same time, all of which shall be indicators that mankind is approaching Armageddon, Nostradamus' Millennium. Horrifyingly enough, these events appear to have already started and mankind will have to act quickly if the predictions are not to be fulfilled."

The seven signs mentioned in the Old Testament are: religious deception, internal revolution, worldwide war, famine, the poisoning of the earth, earthquakes, and plagues and disease. Below are some of Nostradamus' quatrains dealing with famine, plague, and earthquakes.

Century 1, Quatrain 67

La grand famine que ie sens approcher,
Souuent tourner, puis estre vniuerselle,
Si grande & longue qu'on viendra arracher
Du bois racine, & l'enfant de mammelle.

The great famine which I sense approaching
will often turn (in various areas) then become worldwide.
It will be so vast and long lasting that (they) will grab
roots from the trees and children from the breast.

Century 1, Quatrain 69

La grand montagne ronde de sept stades,
Apres paix, guerre, faim, inodation,
Roulera loin abismant grands contrades,
Mesmes antiques, & grands fondation.

The great mountain, seven stadia round,
after peace, war, famine, flooding.
It will spread far, drowning great countries,
even antiquities and their mighty foundations.

Century 2, Quatrain 75

La voix ouye de l'insolit oyseau,
Sur le canon du respiral estage:
Si haut viendra du froment le boisteau
Que l'homme d'homme sera Antropophage.

The call of the unwelcome bird is heard,
On the chimney stack:
Bushels of wheat will rise so high,
That man will devour his fellow man.

Century 5, Quatrain 90

Dans le cyclades, en printhe & larisse,
Dedans Sparte tout le Peloponnesse:
Si grand famine, peste par faux connisse,
Neuf mois tiendra & tout le cheronnesse.

In the Cyclades, in Perinthus and Larissa,
In Sparta and the entire Pelopennesus: (the Balkans and all of Greece)
Very great famine, plague through false dust,
Nine months will it last throughout the entire peninsula.

Century 5, Quatrain 63

De vaine emprinse l'honneur indue plaincte,
Galliots errans par latins, froid, faim, vagues
Non loin du Tymbre de sang la terre taincte,
Et sur humaine seront diuerses plagues.

From the vain enterprise honor and undeserved complaint,
Boats tossed about among the Latins, cold, hunger, waves
Not far from the Tiber the land stained with blood,
And diverse plagues will be upon mankind.

Century 6, Quatrain 5

Si grand famine par vnde pestifere.
Par pluye longue le long du polle arctiques
Samarobryn cent lieux de l'hemisphere,
Viuront sans loy exempt de pollitique.

Very great famine (caused) by a plague-ridden wave,
Will extend through long rain the length of the Arctic pole:
"Samarobryn" one hundred leagues from the hemisphere,
They will live without law, exempt from politics.

Century 8, Quatrain 17

Les bien aisez subit seront desmis
Par les trois freres le monde mis en trouble,
Cité marine saisiront ennemis,
Faim, feu, sang, peste & de tous maux le double.

Those at ease will suddenly be cast down,
The world put into trouble by three brothers;
Their enemies will seize the marine city,
Hunger, fire, blood, plague, all evils doubled.

Century 9, Quatrain 55

L'horrible guerre qu'en l'Occident s'appreste,
L'an ensuiuant viendra la pestilence
Si fort l'horrible que ieune, vieux, ne beste,
Sang, feu, Mercure, Mars, Iupiter en France.

The horrible war which is prepared in the West,
The following year will come the pestilence
So very horrible that young, old, nor beast (will survive),
Blood, fire, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter in France.

Century 1, Quatrain 46

Tout apres d'Aux de Lestore & Mirande
Grand feu du ciel en trois nuicts tombera:
Cause aduiendra bien stupende & mirande,
Bien peu apres la terre tremblera.

Very near Auch, Lectoure and Mirande
A great fire will fall from the sky for three nights.
The cause will appear both stupefying and marvelous;
Shortly afterwards there will be an earthquake.

Century 3, Quatrain 3

Vers le midy extreme siccité:
Au fond d'Asie on dira terre tremble,
Corinthe, Ephese lors en perplexité.

With Mars and Mercury and the Moon in conjunction,
Toward the south there will be extreme drought:
In the depths of Asia one will say the earth trembles,
Corinth, Ephesus then in a troubled state.

Century 9, Quatrain 31

Le tremblement de terre à Mortura,
Caffich sainct George à demy perfondrez:
Paix assoupie la guerre esueillera,
Dans temple à Pasques abysmes enfondrez.

The trembling of the earth at Mortara
The tin island of St. George half sunk;
Drowsy with peace, war will arise,
At Easter in the temple abysses open.

Century 9, Quatrain 83

Sol vingt de Taurus si fort de terre trembler,
Le grand theatre remply ruinera:
L'air, ciel & terre obscurcir & troubler,
Lors l'infidelle Dieu & saincts voguera.

Sun twentieth of Taurus the earth will tremble very mightily,
It will ruin the great theater filled:
To darken and trouble air, sky and land,
Then the infidel will call upon God and saints.

Century 10, Quatrain 60

Ie pleure Nisse, Mannego, Pize, Gennes,
Sauonne, Sienne, Capuë Modene, Malte:
Le dessus sang, & glaiue par estrennes,
Feu, trembler terre, eau. malheureuse nolte.

I weep for Nice, Monaco, Pisa, Genoa,
Savona, Siena, Capua, Modena, Malta:
For the above blood and sword for a New Year's gift,
Fire, the earth will tremble, water an unhappy reluctance.

Century 10, Quatrain 67

Le tremblement si fort au mois de may,
Saturne, Caper, Iupiter, Mercure au boeuf:
Venus aussi, Cancer, Mars, en Nonnay,
Tombera gresle lors plus grosse qu'vn oeuf.

A very mighty trembling in the month of May,
Saturn in Capricorn, Jupiter and Mercury in Taurus:
Venus also in Cancer, Mars in Virgo,
Then hail will fall larger than an egg.

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