Lunabar 99
StarStrider 3D ,
Starry Night Backyard astronomy
Anders Mattssons Astronomisida
Analyz (FTP)
Astronomical Image Processing System
Astronomical Software Directory Service
Coco - Coordinate conversion
Computational Collaborative Project 7: The Analysis of Astronomical Spectra
Data Reduction Expert Assistant
Exploring the Solar System
Exploring the Sun
Exploring the Universe
FITS archive documents database
FITS Image Viewers
Home Planet
Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
Astronomy Clock 2 for Windows 95/NT 2
Astronomy Clock for Windows 3.1 1.0
Astronomy Lab 2.03
Astronomy Slide Show 2.1
Astronomy Slide Show
Coeli Electric Planisphere 3.85
Coeli Stella 2000 1.1
Constellation Star Maps
CosmoSaver-Solar System 1.31
DObjects 2.9
Exploring the Solar System 5.0
EarthSun 4.6
Flexible Image Transport System
Flexible Image Transport System
Home Planet Lite
IUE Satellite Data Reduction Package
IDL Astronomy Library (GOPHER)
Home Planet
Karma (FTP)
Munich Image Data Analysis (FTP)
Munich Image Data Analysis (WWW)
MoonPhase 1.01a
My Stars
PROS - Xray Data Analysis System Software
PROS Software (FTP)
PSPLOT: Postscript for Technical Drawings
Ptolemy Software
SAOimage 1.18
SAO Telescope Data Center
Sci.image.processing Newsgroup Archive (GOPHER)
Search and Retrieve Graphics Software and Data (GOPHER)
Signal Processing Information Base
Sky Screen Saver for Windows 1.1
Sky Planetarium 2.04
TIM (Telescope Imaging Model)
VISTA Software (FTP)
Wavelet Information (GOPHER)
Visual Planets 2.0
Xephem v2.8
Hubble Telescope Screen Saver 1.1
Deepsky 2000 1.0
JUPSAT95 1.14
Astronomy pro for MS-DOS (GOPHER)
Astronomy Tools
Astronomical Software on Linux
Constellation Clip Art
Basics of Space Flight 1.0
Circumspace 1.0
DEC Archive
Exploring the Earth
Exploring the States
FTP Software Inc
Free Virtual Galaxy Project
FITS Information Archive (FTP)
HPCCSoft software tools
IDL Astronomy User's Library
Image Reduction and Analysis (FTP)
Jandel Scientific Software
Massively Parallel Richardson-Lucy
Mathcad Home Page
Mathematical Morphology (FTP)
NASA COmputer Software Management and Information Center
NCSA Software (FTP)
ST-ECF software library
star 3.2 - read selected entries of a binary star catalog
Starman - Crowded-field stellar photometry
StarView: The HST Archive Interface
StatLib Archives (GOPHER)
StatLib Index
Spica 1.0
Star file for Spica
STSDAS help system index
STSDAS source code Archives (GOPHER)
The Galilean Moon Plotter
The Nine Planets
The Devalution of Space and Time
Windows Dictionary of Astronomy Second Edition
NSI On-Line Network Aide - NONA
Numerical Recipes Software
Numerical Recipes Software (GOPHER)
Night Sky Interactive
PGPLOT Graphics Subroutine Library
Russian Space Program
rgsc 3.1 - Search HST Guide Star Catalog
RVSAO 1.8 - Radial Velocity Package for IRAF
Space Telescope Science Data Analysis System
Space Telescope Software
Spike Planning and Scheduling Software
SSL software abstracts
Solar System
The Hubble Space Telescope First Servicing Mission
Working Group on Astronomical Software
TIM (Telescope Imaging Model) (GOPHER
Astronomy Links
Nadim Mahassen (particle physics, string theory and theoretical cosmology)
Department of Physics-University of Wales Swansea
A Space Travel Site
Galactic Cepheid Database
Project CLEA ,Lab Exercises in Astronomy
Astronomical Image Library
Flexible Image Transport System
Hubble Space Telescope
Mount Wilson Observatory
Old telescope gets new lease on life
Galileo - Countdown to Jupiter
Galileo Probe
Online from Jupiter
Planetary Events and Missions
Earth and Universe
NASA Archive
National Space Science Data Center
QMW HyperSpace
Space Telescope Electronic Information Service
Hubble Space Telescope Archive
HST images - Lund University
Recent HST Images
UCSB Remotely Operated Telescope
Lunar Image Browser
Planetary Events and Missions
Planetary Rings
Galileo project information
Swedish Space Corporation
UCSB Astrophysics Project
UNB HyperSpace
Image archive
Solar System Object HST images
Planetary Sciences at the NSSDC
Flight Research Center
what's up with Galileo
Spaceguard Australia P/L
Spaceguard Croatia
Spaceguard Foundation e.V.
Japan Spaceguard Association
Spaceguard UK
Planetary Science Institute
Planetary Sciences
Lunar and Planetary Institute
abstracts of communications
Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution
James River Survey
LONEOS presentation
LONEOS presentation
Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking
asteroid (3671)
has a satellite
Minor Body Priority List
Shapes and spin states
Understanding asteroid collisions
Impact Experiments Database
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Encounters Jupiter
Space Telescope Science Institute
Terrestrial Impact Structures
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Commission 6
International Astronomical Union
IAU Circulars
Astronomical Headlines
IAUCs older than one year
recent IAUCs
list of participating institutes
observation programs
coordinated photometric observations
abstract and preprint service
Minor Planet Center
Minor Planet Circulars
Minor Planet Electronic Circulars
Computer Service
Extended Computer Service
Web Computer Service
Guide to minor body astrometry
NEO page
dates of last observation of NEOs
list of unusual minor planets
forthcoming close approaches
closest approaches
NEO confirmation page
list of minor-planet names
Ted Bowell's
Asteroid Orbital Elements Database
Center for Advanced Space Studies
Lunar and Planetary Information Bulletin
education and teaching resources
Planetary Data System
on-line archives
The Planetary Society
NEO News
Asteroid Radar Research
list of radar-detected asteroids
asteroid radar bibliography
comet Hyakutake
asteroid 1996 JG
links to other web sites
CCD camera
computers and software
observing site
scientific staff
OCA-DLR Asteroid Survey
the O.D.A.S. Team
the O.D.A.S. CCD camera
software development
Spacewatch Project