Nature and Design
Herbs and Spices
Info DVD's and Films
My Art as Print
Orgon and Tachyone
Opals and Juvelery

Nature Products:

  Herbs and Spices.
Sweden Herbs- Schwedenkräuter- Svenskdroppar
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Design Products:

  Orgon and Tachyon
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 Info-,Film- and Program DVD
in English and German.
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 My Art as Print
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Opals and Juvelary.
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Orgone and Tachyone

Under Construction 

Tachyon and Orgon Energy

Holistic Healing-EMF Protection-Phone Radiation Protection-
Electromagnetic Field Balancing & Protection.

Visit Lorraines Homepage
Certified Functional Medicine and Quantum Biofeedback Specialist
Dr. Lorraine Hurley,MD

Dr. Lorraine Hurley develops and instructs workshops and classes focused on teaching how to prevent disease and illness and how to utilize lifestyle, diet, nutrition and other natural therapeutics to reverse disease processes. In addition to teaching and consulting, Dr. Hurley works as a free-lance writer and speaker. She is a regular guest on radio programs that broadcast nationally. She is also actively involved as an environmental and truth activist. 

Copyright ©2010 Nature and Designe