The Great Destruction One night about five years ago, I had the following dream: A group of us (people I was in fellowship with) were gathered in a second floor room somewhere in the Middle East. The room was rectangular in shape with three windows, two on the long side and one in the end wall. The windows were long and high with rounded tops. There was no glass in the windows so that the air freely came into the room. The table was low enough that when we sat or reclined on the floor it was just the right height to eat off. I sat on the corner at one end of the table looking up the table and towards the lone window. Through the window I could see the top of a tower which looked like the top of a mosque - a crescent moon on a staff. We were enjoying a wonderful time of fellowship in the Lord when I noticed that seated at the opposite end of the table from me was President Reagan. I was stunned at his presence at this spiritual meeting feeling very much that at least in my opinion he did not belong there. I stood up and went over to where he was with the intention of learning more about his curious presence among us. As I got to that end of the table, he said "I have just been trying to do the will of the Lord." I thought that an incredible statement, so with a puzzled look on my face I asked him, "You're just trying to do the will of God?" He answered me, "Yes, I really am trying to do the will of God in everything I am doing." I was very puzzled by all of this and I scratched my head as I turned away from him to go back to my place at the table. Suddenly the Spirit of the Lord fell upon me with great power. I whipped around pointing my finger directly at him and said, "God bless you Ronald Reagan for after you are out of office, the great destruction shall come!" I immediately awoke from this dream and was quite astonished at its content. I fell back asleep and had the same dream again with NO differences whatsoever. I awoke from this dream in a cold sweat and was even more astonished. **************************** Approximately one year later while earnestly seeking the Lord as to further light on the subject of this previous dream, I had another dream: I found myself in an area which seemed like the Great Smoky Mountains or at least which had the same features (I live in the West but these trees were broad-leaved and the mountains were really "hills". Having been in the Smokies and it appeared more like them. There was a two lane paved road which came up the hill towards where I was standing. Directly in front of me the road mad a switchback and continued up the hill. There was a bit of a clearing where I was standing. As I looked down the road a procession of cars approached and I recognized it as the presidential motorcade. The motorcade halted directly in front of me. The president got out of his limousine and immediately saw that it was I. He said, "Oh no, not you again!" and looked quite unhappy to see me. "I have been doing all that I can to try and prevent this thing", he said. "Is this the way it is going to be. I am trying to prevent it by doing all that I can." My heart really went out to him as he genuinely looked troubled by the whole affair. Once again the Spirit of the Lord fell upon me as I attempted to comfort him. "This is going to happen and then this is going to happen and then this, then this, then this..." I went on for what seemed like several minutes giving great detail to the things which lay ahead. Then I said, "This all will happen and THEN the great destruction will come." He looked very discouraged and slowly moved back to his limousine saying to himself "I am going to keep trying." He got in and the motorcade continued up the hill and left me alone as peaceful as I was at the beginning. After I awoke, I could no longer remember what all the 'this is going to happen" things were and have not been able to remember to this day. ************************ Last Easter (April 1992) I was at an evening meeting. During a period of singing and prayer, I felt the Lord near and asked Him what He wanted. "All of 'those things' (referring to the earlier dream) have happened! I had the feeling that the events of the past couple of years are what 'those things' were - the fall of the Berlin Wall, the demise of communism, the rise of new countries and perhaps the Persian Gulf War as well. He asked me to fall on my face on the floor and He would show me what was next. I was afraid to do so and the moment passed. Since that time I have been seeking the Lord. During the past week, I have been overcome by the lateness of the hour. The most important thing is not particular details but that each one of us seeks the Lord to make sure that we are in the right place, both physically and spiritually for whatever it is the Lord is shortly going to do. It is important that we be found away from the area of this great destruction which seems to be Babylon, that we "be not partakers of her sins, and that we receive not of her plagues." (See also Jeremiah 51:34). This file may be freely copied and shared BUT only in its entirety and only including this note. In case you are wondering if I am a real person, the easiest places to contact me are as follows and in order of how often I show up: CompuServe - 70400,153 GEnie - D.WORKS3 America OnLine - DAVIDW2959 DELPHI - DAVIDWORKS