Reincarnation in the Kabbalah
Love your articles on mystical Judaism. I'm very >
curious... I've read in many places that in mystical forms >
of Judaism, such as the Kabbalistic schools of thought, the >
doctorine of metepsychosis, or transmigration of souls > (reincarnation),
is acknowledged. Is it true? I'd love to > learn more about
it! -------------------------------------------------------------------
Yes, According to the Kabbalah, souls reincarnate. There are
many texts dealing with this. To try to cover as much ground
as possible in less than a gigabyte of data, we are presenting
"The Tractate of Reincarnation of Souls" found in "the
Law of the Pious" by Rabbi Immanuel Chay Riki. If there
is continued interest in the subject, we will translate material
from the master himself, the Ari, zal, from his teachings in
"the Gate of Reincarnations" written by a disciple
of the Ari, Rabbi Chaim Vital, zal, G-d willing. Chapter I ---------
Paragraph 1: If a soul could have learned more Torah but refrained
from doing so, or if it could have done a good deed and refrained
from doing so, or if it committed a sin and if these sins of
comission or omission cannot be rectified by the soul entering
the body of another person - then the soul must reincarnate.
Paragraph 2: Here is how it works. The sinning soul enters the
body of a new born baby and suffers whatever suffering that body
undergoes and cannot separate itself from that body until it
dies. Paragraph 3: Therefore, if a person knows that his soul
is a reincarnated soul and he knows for which sin his soul has
been reincarnated, he should strive strongly to rectify the sin,
even though the rectification of that sin will cause his death,
since there will be no longer any reason for him to live. Paragraph
4: Still, he should carry out all the good deeds that come his
way, even if he already did those good deeds in his first body
and so has no need of rectification concerning them. But he does
not have to exert himself to do them where as the good deed that
he neglected to do in his first body he must exert himself to
do since it is for this purpose that the soul reincarnated. Those
good deeds that a Jew must do, i.e. those that one is commanded
to do at certain specific times (eating unleavened bread on Passover,
etc.) - he must do. If he neglects to do them, he will have to
reincarnate because of them. Paragraph 5: Still the punishment
for good deeds that were neglected and not done is different
for each soul, depending on its root in heaven. Paragraph 6:
Every high soul that already has its place in Paradise, still
when it's time for it to rise to still a higher place, it is
judged and the soul is punished for even the most seemingly insignificant
of its omissions. Paragraph 7: This process goes on forever.
The higher a soul travels, the more is expected of it. Chapter
II ---------- Paragraph 1: The rules of reincarnation are as
follows: The soul can reincarnate three times, beside the first
time it was in this world. If the soul did not succeed to rectify
anything in those three times, this is proof that the soul contains
more evil than good. The good that it contains is therefore given
to the son of the person or to another person whose soul root
is the same as his. Paragraph 2: Therefore, righteou people who
involve themselves with the wicked people, seeking to help them
spiritually - if the wicked refuse to repent, then the good that
is in them will go to the righteous and the bad that is in the
righteous will go to the wicked so that the righteous are left
with all the good and the wicked are left with all the bad. The
soul of the wicked is then completely destroyed. This is what
our sages meant when they said: "If one merits he takes
another's portion in Paradise and the other person takes his
portion in hell." Paragraph 3: If on the other hand, in
the three reincarnations the soul did at least begin to rectify
its shortcomings, then it can reincarnate even a thousand times
until it reaches the final repair. Paragraph 4: Therefore, the
righteous much prefer to reincarnate than endure the fires of
hell, which is avoided if in each reincarnation they accomplish
something. Paragraph 5: But for the wicked, its better after
three reincarnations that they are sent to hell. They only stand
to lose by having more reincarnations. Paragraph 6: The souls
of women can enter the body of another person, but they cannot
reincarnate (enter the body of a new born baby). The difference
between the men and women is that men are commanded to learn
Torah, whereas women are not. The Torah learning of the men makes
it difficult for the fires of hell to have any affect on the
men. For this reason, the souls of men need to reincarnate. Paragraph
7: Now, there are five levels of the soul: soul, spirit, breath
of life, living force, only one. The rules of soul, spirit and
breath of life are identical. However, unlike soul, spirit and
breath of life cannot be rectified by hell, they can only be
rectified by reincarnation. Living force and only one come from
a very high world. Paragraph 8: There's a concept of "the
righteous who suffer and the wicked who prosper." This is
caused by soul transmigration. The righteous suffer because of
sins committed in a previous incarnation. The wicked prosper
because of good deeds done in a previous incarnation. Chapter
III ----------- Paragraph 1: All souls that were once in this
world and their souls, spirits, and breaths of life were changed,
when they come a second time, they are called "reincarnations."
This applies even to those parts of Adam's soul which fell into
the hands of the forces of evil as a result of his sin. The rule
is, a reincarnated soul can never achieve its spirit. The soul
must reincarnate a third time to unite with its spirit. Paragraph
2: Still, if the soul rectifies itself, it can be certain mystical
intentions redeem its spirit from out of the hands of the forces
of evil. Their redeemed spirit then enters the body of another
person, but it cannot enter the same body with the soul. Paragraph
3: The breath f life cannot be reached at all even to place it
in the body of another person until the body dies and the soul
reincarnates another time. Paragraph 4: If however, the spirit
and the breath of life were not changed in the first incarnation,
only the soul was changed, then in its reincarnation the soul
can merit to its spirit and breath of life if it rectifies itself.
Paragraph 5: The changed soul that transmigrates with its spirit
and breath of life, if it sinned in the first incarnation, it
must reincarnate, but if it only neglected to do a good deed
- it can be repaired by entering the body of another person (not
being born into a new baby). Paragraph 6: Sometimes the soul,
spirit and breath of life reincarnate simultaneously in three
separate people. If the soul sins, G-d forbid, then all three
of them, soul, spirit and breath of life go down into the hands
of the forces of evil to be reincarnated again in one person.
But since only the soul sinned in the previous incarnation, the
body is really "inhabited" only by the soul. The spirit
and breath of life merely tag along. They gain by the good deeds
done by the new body but do not lose by any sins committed. Paragraph
7: Still, since the spirit and breath of life tagged along, they
must endure all the sufferings that the body goes through including
the pain of death. Chapter IV ---------- Paragraph 1: Sometimes
a soul of a man is punished for a certain sin by being reincarnated
in the body of a woman. That woman cannot have children since
she is "inhabited" by a male soul. Unless a female
soul will transmigrate and enter the woman in mid-life (the rules
of transmigration are explained in the tractate immediately preceding
this tractate). What happens then is that the transmigrated female
soul is reincarnated into the baby that is born. Paragraph 2:
For this reason it is impossible for such a woman to have a male
child. Since only a female soul transmigrates and enters the
body of another living woman and then be born as her child. Also,
the woman cannot have another female child, unless the first
one dies. Paragraph 3: Still, sometimes by great merit, another
female soul transmigrates and enters the woman's body and is
born reincarnated as the woman's baby. Paragraph 4: Likewise,
through great merit this woman with a man's soul can have a male
child. The baby comes from the female which transmigrated into
her body. But the female soul leaves the baby as it's being born
making room for a male soul to enter the baby's body. Paragraph
5: This joining of souls is only possible if there is a root
connection between them in the first place. Paragraph 6: A person
who died and his soul was judged that it must reincarnate and
his wife was pregnant, the baby born with the soul of the deceased
husband reincarnated. Chapter V --------- Paragraph 1: If a person
sins with his friend - then he will have to reincarnate together
with him to help him in his next incarnation even if his soul
root is different. If he is from the same soul root, then even
if he is completely righteous, he must reincarnate to help his
soul-mate. Paragraph 2: If a soul reincarnates because it sinned
in its first incarnation - the odds are that it will sin again.
If the soul did not sin in its first incarnation, but merely
neglected to do a good deed - the soul has a better chance of
not sinning. If the soul is reincarnated in order to do a good
deed that it never had a chance to do in its first incarnation
- the odds that it will not sin. If the soul reincarnates to
help souls rectify themselves, it will certainly not sin. It's
also possible for such a soul to achieve its spirit and breath
of life even in its first reincarnation. Paragraph 3: The first
three times around a soul can be reincarnated and not have any
soul-help. But after that, the soul will have other souls helping
it. Chapter VI ---------- Paragraph 1: It is impossible for two
old souls (souls that have been in this world before) to transmigrate
together in one body. They can however reincarnate at birth in
one body. However, a new soul can have with it even three old
souls. The new soul holds the old souls together. Paragraph 2:
The souls appear in order of greatness, the smallest first, then
the bigger ones and so on. Paragraph 3: There's a double reincarnation.
This means that a spirit and breath of life are reincarnated
to join their soul in a certain body. Yet for some reason, they
instead go to a different soul found in a different body since
that soul is also from their soul root. Paragraph 4: A soul that
inhabited a body that did not have any children - that soul cannot
reincarnate or transmigrate even for the purpose of helping a
soul mate unless it comes back together with another soul that
did have children. Therefore, even if that soul is rectified,
still it cannot unite with its spirit and breath of life unless
the soul that it comes back together with is also rectified.
Paragraph 5: A person who only had one soul, spirit and breath
of life incarnated in him and he damaged only the soul, still
he must do a repair as if he had damaged the spirit and the breath
of life, since they were incarnated in him at the time that he
damaged his soul. Chapter VII ----------- Paragraph 1: There
are some souls that due to their past reincarnated in mineral,
vegetable and animal. Their time of reconstitution is fixed.
Those reincarnated in mineral can only rise to the level of vegetable
in the mddle four Hebrew months of the year - Av, Elul, Tishrey
and Chesvon. If the decree against them was not exhausted in
those four months, even if it was exhausted the next month, they
have to wait until the next year for those months to come around
again. Paragraph 2: Those reincarnated in vegetable can only
rise to the level of animal in the first four Hebrew months of
the year - Nisan, Iyar, Sivan and Tamuz. Those incarnated in
animal can only rise to the level of men in the last four Hebrew
months of the year - Kislev, Tayves, Shvat and Adar. Paragraph
3: When the mineral enters the vegetable - the soul rises to
the level of vegetable. When the vegetable enters the animal
- the soul rises to the level of animal. When the animal enters
the man - the souls rises to the level of man. Paragraph 4: There
are two possibilities when a reincarnated soul in an animal enters
a man when he eats the animal meat. The person can go crazy and
act in an irrational manner or the soul can act as a transmigrated
soul which enters a body and nobody is any the wiser, it is a
hidden process. Paragraph 5: Sometimes grades are skipped. For
instance, an animal can eat a mineral, a man can eat a vegetable
or a man can eat a mineral. Paragraph 6: When grades are skipped,
it's just harder to rectify the soul: so that sometimes the sinning
soul wins out and causes its eater to sin. Paragraph 7: The rule
is that any Torah scholar even if he is ignorant in the secrets
of the Torah can raise a soul from the animal level to the human
level. A Torah scholar who knows the secrets of the Torah can
raise the soul from the vegetable level to the human level. A
true mystic can raise the soul from the mineral level to the
human level. Paragraph 8: However, the ignorant person cannot
raise the soul even from the animal level to the human level.
I hope this answers your question. If you are interested, we
will be more than happy to provide more information on this matter
from the classical sources of the Kabbalah. |