From: (Spirit Of Truth Page) Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy,alt.war,misc.headlines,talk.politics.misc Subject: COMING ATONEMENT (New Arab/Israeli War?) Date: Sun, 22 Sep 96 02:01:10 EDT Organization: world Lines: 258 Message-ID: <1780A1C66S86.JPA94001@UConnVM.UConn.Edu> ***THE COMING ATONEMENT*** J. Adams SEPTEMBER 22ND, 1996 The *Spirit Of Truth* WWW Page Yom Kippur is the holiest Jewish holiday. It marks the end of the Ten Days of Penitence that begins with Rosh Hashana, the Jewish new year. Yom Kippur is also known as the Day of Atonement, the day Jews are supposed to atone for their sins against God. In the eyes of the Arabs, the Jews' sins against the Palestinians, the Moslem world and Allah are cause for a jihad, or holy war, to annihilate the Jewish state of Israel. Likewise, in the orthodox christian "Russian Right", which I believe today controls Russia, the Jews are blamed for the murder of Jesus Christ, the Jewish messiah rejected by the Pharisees of that period who desired a material kingdom rather than the spiritual Kingdom of God Jesus came to offer the world. (Note that "orthodox christian" is not capitalized above. This is because I believe the Russian Right is antichristian rather than christian in character.) On Yom Kippur of 1973, the Arabs unleashed their wrath on the Jewish people with a surprise attack against Israel that literally brought the world to the brink of Armageddon. Israeli Defense Forces almost collapsed in the face of a two-pronged attack by Egypt and Syria across the Golan Heights and Sinai Peninsula, respectively. Syrian tanks came very close to moving beyond the Megiddo Pass, which is where the prophetic Battle of Armageddon is to be unleashed, and overrunning the heartland of Israel. Fearful that this was going to occur, Israel armed the nuclear weapons it had at the time in preparation for a devastating nuclear counterattack against its Arab foes. In Seymour Hersh's, 'The Samson Option- Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy', the following is revealed: "Locked in secret Pentagon files is startling evidence that Israel maneuvered dangerously near the edge of nuclear war after the 1973 Arab assault. The secret documents claim that Israel came within hours of running out of essential arms. 'At this crucial moment,' the possiblity of nuclear arms was discussed with the U.S.,' declares one report. American authorities feared the Israelis might resort to nuclear weapons to assure their survival. This was the most compelling reason, according to the secret papers, that the United States rushed conventional weapons to Israel." (Quote found in Seymour Hersh's 'The Samson Option', p.236) Once the U.S. came to the aid of Israel, Russia came to the aid of the Arabs and, once again, a nuclear confrontation occurred. With American support, the Israelis managed to surround Egypt's Third Army. In response, the Soviets threatened to deploy airborne troops to prevent an overrun of Egyptian forces. Furthermore, there was evidence that a Soviet ship was sent to Egypt that carried nuclear weapons to counter the Israeli nuclear threat. Consequently, both Israel and the U.S. went on nuclear alert. Faced with the prospect of a nuclear third world war, both sides backed down. Washington forced Israel to order a ceasefire against surrounded Egyptian forces and Moscow pressured the Arabs to back-off from their campaigns to recover their occupied territories and instead make peace. Thus, Armageddon was averted during the 1973 Arab/Israeli Yom Kippur War. In the wake of the 1973 nuclear confrontation, Russian and Arab military planners went back to the drawing board, so to speak. Clearly, to successfully fight the kind of war they would have to fight to destroy Israel and dominate the West would require a great deal of forethought and planning. What happened in 1973 was spontanteous, haphazard and led to an unacceptably submissive conclusion. Russia and the Arabs realized that to take on America, Israel and the West as a whole would require extensive preparation and strategic planning. This is what has occurred over the past 23 years. Since the Yom Kippur War, Russia and the Arabs have amassed the military power and secured the strategic advantages necessary to wage a nuclear third world war that will bring about the destruction of Israel and America and allow Moscow to dominate the world. Using their vasts oil proceeds, the Arab states have accumulated seven times the fire power of Israel. Meanwhile, Russia has amassed some 25,000 nuclear weapons and an accurate strategic missile capability by which a fatal blow can be unleashed against America in around a half-hour. To make optimal use of the arsenals that have been accumulated by the Arabs and Russia, over the last twenty years the East has forged a false peace with the West. Beginning with Egypt and the Camp David Accords, the Arabs have spent the last twenty years making peace with Israel. Meanwhile, starting mainly in the mid-1980's with Mikhail Gorbachev, who I believe is literally the antichrist, Moscow introduced bogus reforms to appear more Western-like and has forged major peace treaties with Washington. Unfortunately, the peace between East and West that has emerged since the Yom Kippur War in 1973 is a false peace- an utterly suicidal global lie. Now the time is approaching when the truth is going to be revealed. During the summer, Moscow has made a special effort to make it clear that the seeming current Russian leader, Boris Yeltsin, is on his last political, as well as literal, legs. In the midst of almost losing the Russian presidential election to his Communist rival, Yeltsin supposedly suffered a heart attack that was covered-up. Now, his health is so poor that, he either can't have necessary heart surgery, or, if he does, he probably won't survive. Thus, a power vacuum has seemingly developed in Moscow in which any potential hardline bad guy, like Vladimir Zhirionvsky or Alexander Lebed, can takeover power and wage an all-out war with the West. Meanwhile, the Arabs have completed the stage for a new onslaught against Israel. In 1990, Saddam Hussein's Iraq invaded Kuwait and then fought a pitiful loosing battle with the West in 1991- thereby positioning Iraq as the Arab martyr state confronting Western Imperialism in the Arab world. In recent weeks, Iraq has picked a new fight with the U.S. by overrunning the U.N.-protected zone in the Kurdish North of Iraq and by rejected the No-Fly Zones set-up by the West over Iraq. Now that Iraq looks like it is again falling victim to Western imperialist military aggression, the stage is prepared for Iraq to take seemingly last-ditch kamikazee action against Saddam's seeming "Zionist" oppressors. I believe this upcoming action is that which Saddam had threatened to do just months before he ordered his troops to invade Kuwait: to "make fire eat up half of Israel", i.e., a chemical SCUD missile attack against the Jewish State. (Since, given recent terrotist actions against the U.S., Saddam appears to be a fan of important anniversaries, you might note that today is the anniversary of Iraq's unleashing of a war against Iran- an important autumnal equinox to the Iraqi dictator who appears to use astrology to guide his moves- see: If it's true that Iraq is about to provoke an all-out fight with Israel, then it is perfectly timed for other Arab states to wage a new war against the Jewish State. During the past couple of months, Syria and Egypt have been preparing for a war against Israel in the same way they did just prior to their 1973 Yom Kippur surprise attack against the Jewish State. Consider the following excerpt from a September 18th report by the Israeli newspaper 'Ha'aretz': Assessments presented to the (Israeli) political echelon said that this summer the Syrian army completed its four-year effort to build its force into "offensive readiness" . The Syrians want to build a force capable of carrying out a limited war without assistance from expeditionary forces from other states. In the past, Israel assessed that the Syrian army is defensively deployed and can carry out an offensive strike only with the assistance of Iraqi forces or simultaneously with an offensive by another country against Israel, as has happened in the past. The Syrians have in recent years received hundreds of new tanks and self-propelled guns to bolster their mobile ground forces. A few months ago, the Syrians also stopped releasing soldiers from the regular army, thereby expanding the standing army and enabling them to man additional units. Similar steps were taken by the Syrian and Egyptian armies prior to the (1973) Yom Kippur War. Israel is also following the Egyptian army's major manoeuvre, Badr 96, which is practicing the night crossing of the Suez Canal by large forces. The Egyptians have held similar exercises in recent years, but the current one is much larger, and this is the first time the crossing of the canal has been made public. The codename for the exercise is the same as the (1973) Yom Kippur War operation - it is named after the Islamic battle where Muhammad beat the Jewish Kuraysh tribe. (Excerpt from Septmeber 18th report by Israeli newspaper 'Ha'aretz'.) Should the Arabs again unleash a war against Israel, possibly in association with an Iraqi chemical attack on Israel in the near- future, then it will be just a matter of time before Armageddon. In February of 1991, in the middle of the Gulf War, I saw a mysterious special report of a chemical SCUD attack on Israel (Haifa was being hit with chemical SCUDs in the report). This report, as I later discovered upon checking, did not exist- it was a psychic vision. A week after having this psychic vision of a coming chemical attack on Israel, apparently by Iraq (but not necessarily- maybe Syria?), a friend and I heard an air-raid siren and nuclear explosion upon reading the Seventh Seal prophecy from the Bible's Book of Revelation- a prophecy believed by many to depict a future nuclear war (see Thus, the general idea of the private revelation I experienced during the first half of February 1991 is that, when the Arabs and Israel go to war again, so too Russia and America will go to war. This time around, however, unlike in 1973, the opposing sides won't pull their punches and, consequently, a thermonuclear Armageddon will result. As should be clear, the reason that a nuclear third world war will erupt the next time an Arab/Israeli conflict erupts is because it has been planned. The false peace established between East and West, Moscow and Washington, and the Arabs and Israel over the past couple of decades is a false peace engineered for the purpose of global war. The false peace delivered by the East was to get the West off-guard and secure the element of surprise for the military onslaught long- planned by Russia and the Arabs against Israel , America and the West. Out of blind greed, the West has happily accepted the false peace that has been offered over the years. Consequently, Western civilization will likely not survive. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Of course, one souldn't forget that Russia and the Arabs appear to be using astrology to guide their moves (see The astrology for next week, when the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur occurs, is ominous. The key seems to be the total lunar eclipse conjunct Saturn on Thursday/Friday (depending on where you live). Since Saturn is the planet of the Jews as well as the planet of fate, the lunar eclipse, WHICH SQUARES JUPITER, THE PLANET OF LEADERS, APPEARS TO SIGNIFY THE fate of the Jews and the fate of a leader- i.e., the fate of Israel and Russian President Boris Yeltsin. This fate obviously could be very negative. Astrolog Chart For September 23rd Yom Kippur Moon Conjunt Uranus Opposed By Mars & Venus +-------<11>16Cap26----<10>18Sag48-----<9>20Sco16-----------+ º Nep 25Cap01r º Jup 8Cap27 º º º º Ura 0Aqu45r º º º º º Moo 14Aqu12 º º º º º º º Plu 0Sag53 º º <12>15Aqu21----º-----------------------------º-----19Lib18<8> º º º º º º Astrolog (4.10) chart º º º º Mon Sep 23 1996 12:00pm º Sun 0Lib56 º º º -05:00 0:00W 0:00N º Mer 19Vir45r º <1>16Pis46-----º Placidus Houses. º-----16Vir46<7> º Sat 4Ari12r º Julian Day = 2450350.21 º º º º º º º º º º º º º Ven 18Leo06 º <2>19Ari18-----º-----------------------------º-----15Leo21<6> º º º º º º º º º º º º º º Mar 8Leo35 º º º º º º +-----------20Tau16<3>-----18Gem48<4>-----16Can26<5>--------+ Astrolog Chart For September 26th Total Lunar Eclipse Conjunct Saturn and Squared by Jupiter +-------<11>21Gem54----<10>23Tau34-----<9>22Ari54-----------+ º º º º º º º º º º º º º º Moo 4Ari21 º º º º º Sat 3Ari56r º <12>19Can35----º-----------------------------º-----20Pis24<8> º Mar 10Leo40 º º º º º Astrolog (4.10) chart º º º º Thu Sep 26 1996 10:00pm º º º º -05:00 0:00W 0:00N º º <1>18Leo45-----º Placidus Houses. º-----18Aqu45<7> º Ven 21Leo58 º Julian Day = 2450353.62 º º º Mer 19Vir01 º º º º º º Ura 0Aqu43r º º º º Nep 25Cap00r º <2>20Vir24-----º-----------------------------º-----19Cap35<6> º º º º º º Sun 4Lib17 º º º º º º º º º º º º Plu 0Sag58 º Jup 8Cap41 º +-----------22Lib54<3>-----23Sco34<4>-----21Sag54<5>--------+