Visions Beyond the Veil (2)
excerpts from readers


Here is an especially revealing book with a window on new worlds - a realm which some have dreamed of, but never knew existed. It was in this "realm of the Spirit" in which H.A. Baker lived for more than fifty years after his baptism in the Holy Spirit.
But even before receiving the baptism, the Lord had blessed the Bakers with much fruitful labor in Tibet. They were in Tibet from 1911 to 1919 , under the sponsorship of a denominational group. Man had told them that it was impossible to convert even one Tibetan to Christ. But in a period of six years, they had learned the language and developed a love for the people which was so intense that they had no desire to come back to America. The hearts of the Tibetans opened more and more to the Gospel, and the prospects for a strong work seemed very promising.
However, Josephine battled with much sickness, and finally it was necessary for them to come back home. It seemed that they might never return to the mission field. But God had a purpose in bringing them home; both of them received the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Shortly thereafter, a letter came from Allen Swift (who had prayed for the Bakers that they might receive the Holy Ghost), saying that if they would return to the mission field at once, his church would give them one thousand dollars travel fare.
So they were literally propelled a second time into missionary orbit, but this time, the Lord indicated that they were to go to China, and that they were to be faith missionaries with no denominational sponsorship.
The ministry in China was exciting. In the southwest corner of Yunnan, the most southwest province of China, was a little town of 5,000 called Kotchiu. The Bakers were warned that Kotchiu was in the hands of brigand robbers. In fact, it was said to be the worst town in all China . But the Bakers settled there in the midst of vile and sinful surroundings, and began to let the Light of God shine out..
Almost immediately, they were conscious of the many teenage beggar boys who were starving and dying in the streets. That was when they decided to open the Adullam Home. In addition to dysentery and other internal diseases, the boys had terrible sores all over their bodies. Josephine found real joy and satisfaction in removing their filthy rags and giving them baths. Disheveled hair was cut and clean clothes were given them. Their sores healed rapidly as they responded to the love of Jesus
There were forty boys in the Home when the great miracle took place. There was an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the like of which is recorded in few pieces of Christian literature. They fell prostrate on the floor under the power of God. While in the Spirit, they saw into the next world. They saw angels and talked with them; they played in the wonderful parks of Paradise; they saw the saints of old.
This outpouring went on for days and days. Little children preached under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The lowest, most outcast beggar boys saw revelations of invisible worlds and the glories of the redeemed.
Because I was his editor and publisher, Mr. Baker and I were in constant communication during the last four years of his life and ministry. it was through these letters that I learned of his experiences in China
After the communist take-over, Mr. Baker fled to Formosa where he ministered until his death on November 3, 1971. On that morning, Brother Baker strapped on his battery-operated PA system, shouldered a bag of tracts, and walked on foot down the lane in Miaoli, spreading the Good Seed. He arrived back home before lunch and busied himself typing a letter to a friend in the States. The native cook looked in at the door and called him to eat. She said that he smiled as he answered but seemed in no hurry to arise. When she returned later in the afternoon, she found him slumped over his typewriter unconscious. On Sunday morning around two o'clock, his heart finally stopped beating.
On Tuesday, in accordance with his wishes, a very simple funeral service was held outside his home. It was attended by those to whom he had faithfully ministered, together with a few missionary friends. He is buried beside his wife, Josephine, in LiShan, Miaoli, awaiting the sounding of the last trump.